"Calvert-Obenchain-Younglove Collection (MSS 30)" by Manuscripts & Folklife Archives

Manuscript Collection Finding Aids

Publication Date



This collection is archived in the Manuscripts & Folklife Archives at Western Kentucky University; 270-745-5083, mssfa@wku.edu


Finding aid and scans of selected items (Click on "Additional Files" below) for Manuscripts Collection 30. Correspondence, diaries, writings, business papers, scrapbooks, clippings, genealogical notes, weather records, and photographs of the Calvert, Obenchain, and Younglove families of Bowling Green, Kentucky.


American Literature | History | Social History | United States History

MSS 30 CALVERT, Josephine.pdf (32497 kB)
Josephine Calvert's Childhood Diary, 1878-1881

MSS 30 Series I B1F2 Hervey Woods journal typescript.pdf (3145 kB)
Hervey Woods Journal

MSS 30 B3F6 Thomas Calvert residence.pdf (2848 kB)
Thomas Calvert Residence

MSS 30, III, B3F5 Younglove meteorological record.pdf (53933 kB)
John E. Younglove's meteorological record, 1883-1914

john younglove meteorological record.pdf (1755 kB)
Typescript of John Younglove's weather remarks for 1808-1909 in his meteorological record

MSS 30, III, B3F6 Younglove meteorological record.pdf (134535 kB)
John E. Younglove's meteorological record, 1808-1909



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