Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Alumni News
- Athletics
- Bottle Column by Ink
- Chapel
- Class News
- Club News
- Editorials
- High Spots of Chapel by Joe Lafferty
- Personals
- Philosophizing Collegian by Ims
- Training School Notes
- Ups & Downs by Kelly Thompson
- Western Sophomore Writes Home
This issue contains articles:
- Herald is Adjudged Best in State
- Work is Under Way for New Health Building – Helm Library
- 2 Commencement Exercises for 1930
- Dean Finley Grise is Delegate for WKTC
- Hill Welcomes Legislature to Park City – Mammoth Cave National Park
- Courier Plant is Inspected by Staff Members
- Rifle Team of ROTC is Champ
- Leamon Turner Edits Talisman
- Old Students Have Meet in Foreign State
- New Students Arriving for Spring Term
- Horse Cave Musicale
- Old Westerners Visit on Hill
- Lewis Yandell Sells Play to Company
- Library Receives Gifts from Alumni
- “Green Stockings” is Presented by Seniors
- Mamma Lee Returns to B.G. – Mrs. W.A. Lee
- Reflections from a Basement
- Other-States Club
- McCombs, Harold. Gently On
- Woodring, Franklyn. Farewell
- Woodring, Franklyn. Two Nights
- McCombs, Harold. Caprice
- French Club
- Iva Scott Club
- A Swimming Pool
- Orchestra in Concert at Adairville
- Cherry Country Life Club
- Washington County Club
- Mrs. Margaret Evans Summits to Operation
- Dr. Losey Speaks Here
- “Applesauce” Prepared by Sophomores
- City Judge’s Car in Jump from Curbing – Virgil Prichett
- Arndt Stickles Speaks at Horse Cave
- Sophs Take Day of St. Patrick for Class Day
- Social Science Dinner is Held in Cedar House
- State Champs are Coached by Ted Hornback – Corinth High
- Football Men Called Out by Coaches
- Fire Sweeps Model Rural School Here
- Social Center of Hill – Cedar House
- Western Students Win Poultry Contest
- Robinson & Ogden Medal to be Given
- Reference Department Added to Library
Advertising and Promotion Management | Creative Writing | Fiction | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Poetry | Public Relations and Advertising | Social History | Sociology | Sports Studies | United States History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VI, No. 6" (1930). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 2274.
Included in
Advertising and Promotion Management Commons, Fiction Commons, Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Poetry Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons