"UA3/1/2 Henry Cherry - Earl Sullenger Correspondence" by T. Earl Sullenger and Henry Cherry

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These letters are part of UA3/1/2/2 Henry Cherry Special Correspondence File. Cherry's reply to Sullenger is a carbon copy typed on the back of a County War Conference form letter.


Letter from T. Earl Sullenger WKU alum requesting a recommendation from Henry Cherry in order to obtain a commission in the U.S. Navy. Text:

Allison DII
St. Elizabeth's Hospital
Washington, D.C.

Pres. H.H. Cherry
Bowling Green, Ky.

My dear Friend:

Please pardon me for asking for another favor, but I am making application for a Commission in the U.S. Navy. I know that a letter from you will be a great assistance to me.

Hoping to receive the letter at once and thanking you in advance, I am

Your W.K.S.N. friend
T. Earl Sullenger

Cherry's reply recounts the establishment of the Student Army Training Corps and the results of the recent influenza epidemic in Bowling Green.


Civic and Community Engagement | Higher Education Administration | Military History | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social History | United States History
