Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news.
Regular features include:
- Birds I View
- Looking Backward
- Hilltopics
- Mind Your Manners
- Kentucky Building News
- Alumni News
- Book Marks
- Faculty Notes
- Musical Notes
- Weddings & Engagements
Articles in this issue:
- Twenty-Six Seniors Were Elected to Who’s Who
- Funeral Services for Bess (Fayne) Cherry Held Nov. 21
- ROTC Cadets and Dates Will Attend Ball Tonight
- D.K. Wilgus Will Receive Ph.D.
- Shelly Hampton is State Home Economics President
- Music Department Will Present Messiah Sunday
- Bloodmobile Will be at Student Union Building Thursday
- Senior & Graduate Pictures Completed
- Fight Tuberculosis Buy and Use Christmas Seals
- Remember Wednesday – That is Safe-Driving Day
- Poems by Two Students Selected for Publication
- Veneman, Bill. Fountain Appeal is Old Stuff
- Ten from College High Attend Beta Meeting
- George Richie Won Architectural Contest
- Dr. Mabel Rudisill Appeared on Panel
- Medical School Exam Given Students
- Photographs of Europe are Gallery’s Display
- Scabbard & Blade Will Sponsor Christmas Party
- Robert Pate Ranked Second in Officer Training Class
- Juanita Chinn is Prop and Wing Sponsor
- Miss Mattie McLean Died Wednesday in Mississippi
- Chimes Play Famous Melody
- Bertha Gibson Awarded Scholarship
- Dr. Chester Travelstead Spoke at Morehead Inauguration Ceremony
- Iva Scott Club Initiates 30
- Western Grads Comprise Faculty at Local School
- Bill Schureck Re-Appointed Campus Representative
- Potter Hall is Being Remodeled
- Mary Ruth Grise Won Essay Contest
- Ben Reeves Visits Hill
- Thornberry, Don. The Lights Go On Again
- Physical Education Club Nominated Posture Candidates
- Claire Melton Elected Arnold Air Sponsor
- Margie Helm Re-Appointed
- Keith Cloe Will Train Japanese Airmen
- Scabbard & Blade Initiated Fourteen
- Stagner, Pat. The Herald Salutes Energy Unlimited – That’s Our Mrs. Nelle Travelstead
- State Baptist Student Union Convention Held Recently
- Jane Winchester Attended New York NAM Congress
- Three Western Groups Participated in Parade
- School Named for Mrs. Suda Butler
- AFROTC Unit Inspected
- Debaters Conquered Vanderbilt University
- Cardinals Have Won Two, Lost Two
- Alvis Temple Wrote Story on Bowling Green
- Joe Baxter Featured in McCall’s
- Students Voted for King, Queen, and Favorites
- Three Attended Kentucky Association of Theaters meeting
- Basketball Team Introduced in Chapel
- Biology Club Held Christmas Meeting
- Prowler Fuond Trouble – Sandy Austin Jr.
- Vandalism is Interrupted
- Pershing Rifles Will be Inspected Tomorrow
- Debate Club Discusses Types of Motions
- English Club Members Present Christmas Program
Communication | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Public Relations and Advertising | Social History | Sociology | Sports Studies | United States History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 31, No. 5-Z247" (1954). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 2917.
Included in
Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons