Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Kentucky Building
- Hilltopics
- The Clock Says
- Religious News
- Society
- Alumni News
- Faculty Facts
- ROTC News
- From the Endzone
- Looking Backward
This issue contains articles:
- Wilder’s Our Town Will Be Given December 7-9
- Sophomores Elect Virgil Hall President
- Juniors Host Sadie Hawkins Dance Tonight
- Freshmen Choose Clarke Fenimore As 60-61 President
- Debaters in Invitational Tourney Here
- College High Holds Class Elections
- Former Dean Addresses Founder’s Day Chapel – Finley Grise
- Dr. Charles Whittle is Elected Kentucky Academy of Science President
- Who’s Who Election is November 30
- Sally Greer is Chosen Kentucky Home Economics Association President
- Western Players, Music Department Lauded for Oklahoma! Performance
- Campus Will Host Speech Drama Day
- Madison, Bernard. Calling All Students!
- English Club Reviews Early Kentucky Drama
- Company C Wins Intramural Title
- Thanksgiving Party Given Potter Home by Foods Class
- Wood, Mary. Tea Leaves Anyone?—No, Palm Reading is No. 1!
- Former Westerner is Noted Artist and illustrator of Children’s Books – Dorothy Grider
- Bees Buzz on College Heights
- Placement Bureau Gives Students Aid
- Election Worker Relates Hectic, Amusing Day – Donna Taylor
- Stuart, Ronnie. Campus Life Returns to Normal As Mid-Term Exams Become History
- Lyle, Bonnie. Two Toppers Top Local Dee-Jays
- Rifle Team Wins Fourth in National Meet
- Hugh Wilhite Elected President of Junior Class
- Art Club Takes Trip to Chicago
- Don Quixote Will Be Shown November 21-22
- New Iva Scott Members Initiated
- Toppers Will Face Utah State in Round One of Bluegrass Tourney December 12-13
- Frosh Netters Prepare for 60-61 Season
- Toppers Lose Finale to Murray 26-7
- Toppers Will Face Utah State in Round One of Bluegrass Tourney Dec. 12-13
- Freshmen Netters Prepare for 60-61 Season
- Mr. Basketball Causes Cage Fans Net Fever – E.A. Diddle
- Jim Pickens is Chosen President of W Club
- Touchdown Time Ends for Senior Iron Men As Grid Season Closes
- Western Freshmen Bow to Baylor
- Begun in 1948, Ohio Valley Conference Predicts Exciting Year
- Dell Ranks Hilltoppers No. 5 in Nation
- Begun in 1948, Ohio Valley Conference Predicts Exciting Year
- B Squad Bows to Columbia
- Eagles Down Toppers
- Western Alumnus is Grid Star in Germany – DeLane Simpson
- Debaters Hold Election of Fall Officers
- Mr. G. G. Craig Addresses Muhlenberg Country Club
- Student National Education Association Talent Parade Will Be Features November 22
Communication | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Public Relations and Advertising | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social History | Social Influence and Political Communication | Sociology | Sports Studies | United States History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 4" (1960). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 4640.
Included in
Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons, Women's History Commons
Issue mis-numbered #3