Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Hilltopics
- Book Marks
- The Clock Says
- Religious News
- Looking Backward
- The Potpourri Boils
- Society
- Alumni News
- Faculty Facts
- ROTC News
- Above the Rim
- Sports Slants
This issue contains articles:
- College Heights Herald Wins Top Columbia Award
- Annual Kentucky Education Association Breakfast is April 7
- Dr. A.L. Crabb Will Address English Banquet
- First Semester 2.5-3.0 Student Announced
- Kentucky Education Association Will Be April 5-7 in Louisville
- Fabulous Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra to Highlight Talisman Ball
- President Kelly Thompson Speaks to Senior Class
- Susan Lones is College High Valdictorian
- Kathy Adkins, James Skaggs Represent Western in Kentucky Oratorical Association Meet
- One Wore Blue - - - the Other Grey – Civil War
- Hocker, Ed. Top Ten Books Poll Taken
- Madison, Bernard. What Do You Say, Suitcasers?
- Annual National Education Association Workshop Ends Officially March 22
- Governor Bert Combs Appeals to State Grads
- Ten Topper Commandments
- Mrs. Duncan Hines Gives Gift to Kentucky Building
- Carroll Harrison, Mary Sledge are Delegates to Kentucky Education Association Convention
- Cherry Country Life Will Present Senior Awards
- Young, Aline. Posters, Slogans, Speeches Highlight College High Politics During Elections
- Gerry Konsler Speaks
- James Sullenger Loan Fund Established
- Martine Lashley Quadruplet Attends Western
- Lillian Lehman Award Voting Next Tuesday
- Four Music Majors Give Senior Recitals
- Literary Festival is April 20-22
- Male Animal is Set for March 22-24
- Western Senior is Recreation Director – Frank Johnson
- Congress Debaters Elect Officers
- Western Debaters Compete Today in State Meet
- Shorthorn Cattle Show Tomorrow at Agriculture Pavilion
- Joseph Robertson is Chosen Assistant Secretary of Agriculture
- President Kelly Thompson and Dean Raymond Cravens Rescued by Basketballers
- Alice Chumbley Holds Two Fashion Shows
- Toppers Win Over Cards by 96-80
- Intramural Top 10 Chosen
- Baseballers Look Forward to Top Season
- Morehead Eagles Squeak Past Toppers in Overtime
- Three Top Toppers Seniors Charlie Osborne, Panny Sarakatsannis, George Warren Play Final Game
- Track Team to Start March 20
- Physical Education Club Holds Meet
- Intramural-er’s Continue With League Play
Communication | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Public Relations and Advertising | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social History | Social Influence and Political Communication | Sociology | Sports Studies | United States History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 41, No. 9" (1961). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 4649.
Included in
Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons, Women's History Commons