"UA64/25/5/1 Company B 3rd Regiment Pershing Rifles WKU 1960s" by Hugh Ridenour


Hugh Ridenour

Publication Date



Collection of memories regarding the Pershing Rifles and Rebelettes from the 1960s. Includes biographical sketches of Fred Alcott, Sandy Carneal, George Case, Blake Clark, Steve Crider, Ramey Cunningham, Rita Davis, Pat Dillard, Ron Dillard, Mike Divine, Jerry Froedge, Jerry Fussell, Joe Galloway, Bill Houston, Eddie James, Nancy Jasper, Ed Karr, Mike Kenney, Kandi Kohlmeyer, Tom Lewman, Carol Mays, Mike Meuth, Bill Mize, Wayne Moore, Ellis Morrow, Ron Osburn, Bill Pearson, Glen Ping, Hugh Ridenour, Bill Ritter, Jackie Roper, Ken Scott, Janice Toppass, Don Traughber, Doug Verdier, John Vititoe, Beverly Westerfield and Roye Wilson.


Military and Veterans Studies | Military History
