"UA3/1/4 Henry Cherry Speeches Vol. 5, Part 3" by Henry Cherry

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WKU President Henry Cherry's speeches from Volume 5. Volume 5 also includes articles and poetry by others. This document includes:

Anderson, Henry. Codicil to Will
Bowling Green Rotary Club. Brief Sketch of Henry Hardin Cherry’s Life
Campaign Speech
Cornerstone Cedar Log House
Educational Morale
Greeting to Class of 1931
Ideals & Dollars
In Memoriam of C.U. McElroy
Kentucky Senate Bill 432
Letter of Resignation Jan. 11, 1915
Letter to Henry James, Jan. 20, 1931
Paragraph: College Heights Foundation and Courthouses
Presentation of Trophies, 1930
Resolution in Honor of the Kentucky Building
Rodes, John. Alumni Banquet Speech
Some of the Past and the Present
Speech in Honor of James Patterson, June 1, 1909
Stickles, A.M. The Old Order Changeth in Kentucky
The American Association of Teachers Colleges
The Present
The Proposed Kentucky Building
Unknown. Cherry Seeks Governorship
Unveiling of the Whit Potter Monument
Washington’s Birthday
WKU Board of Regents. Resolution in Honor of Henry Cherry


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