TopSCHOLAR® - Education for Sustainability Summer Institute: 2011 Schedule of Events, Education for Sustainability Summer Institute

Presenter Information


Western Kentucky University


The WKU College of Education and Behavioral Sciences and Center for Environmental Education and Sustainability hosted the first Education for Sustainability Summer Institute (EFSSI 2011) for Kentucky and the region on July 21-22, 2011. Participants learned about model programs, practical strategies, and resources for integrating sustainability into classes, schools, and districts. This event is the first of its kind in Kentucky and the region. It is being hosted by the WKU College of Education and Behavioral Sciences and WKU Center for Environmental Education and Sustainability.

Click on Download button for full Schedule of Events.



2011 Schedule of Events, Education for Sustainability Summer Institute

Western Kentucky University

The WKU College of Education and Behavioral Sciences and Center for Environmental Education and Sustainability hosted the first Education for Sustainability Summer Institute (EFSSI 2011) for Kentucky and the region on July 21-22, 2011. Participants learned about model programs, practical strategies, and resources for integrating sustainability into classes, schools, and districts. This event is the first of its kind in Kentucky and the region. It is being hosted by the WKU College of Education and Behavioral Sciences and WKU Center for Environmental Education and Sustainability.

Click on Download button for full Schedule of Events.