Parking at WKU is a constant topic among students and faculty. The parking at WKU has evolved and changed just as the university itself has evolved and changed. Is the parking better? Is it worse? You tend to get different answers from different people across the campus, and that is what is interesting. The purpose of this exhibit is to show how much parking and transportation has changed through Western's history.

This exhibit was created by student intern Beth Sutherland in the spring semester of 2018. Additional items will be added as appropriate.

Parking Ticket 2

Parking Ticket 2

Management 310

Management 310

Management 310 2

Management 310 2

Management 310 3

Management 310 3

Another Parking Ticket

Another Parking Ticket

Mimosa Alley Parking Lot

Mimosa Alley Parking Lot

Temporary Parking Permit

Temporary Parking Permit

Parking Debate Continues

Parking Debate Continues

Employee Parking Solution

Employee Parking Solution

Rule Effective Next Semester

Rule Effective Next Semester

New Parking Rule

New Parking Rule

More Spaces

More Spaces