This paper is posted to assist graduate nursing students and others who are interested in my early PNI theory development work. The paper documents development and initial testing of a midrange theory of the effects of various nursing interventions on the psychoneuroimmunological (PNI) network. The hypothesized effects of interventions on various immune factors and subsequent health outcomes are explored, with special interest given to the use of PNI theory in nursing. More traditional nursing theory design principles are imbedded in this theory, including a definition of nursing and nursing intervention, as well as outlining how nurses educated at various levels might use the theory. Examples of how the theory might be tested are also included. This early work was foundational for later studies by myself and others, testing various PNI based propositions. Some of this work is posted on the WKU TopSCHOLAR website as well as published in various professional journals.
Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment | Nursing | Psychological Phenomena and Processes
Recommended Repository Citation
Bennett, Mary P., "Multidimensional Factors Affecting Well-Being: A PNI Based Model for Therapeutic Nursing Intervention." (1996). Nursing Faculty Publications. Paper 46.
Multidimensional Factors Affecting Well Being
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Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment Commons, Nursing Commons, Psychological Phenomena and Processes Commons
Paper written while in doctoral studies at RUSH School of Nursing. Posted with permission of author. Dr. Mary Bennett is Director, WKU School of Nursing, Bowling Green, Kentucky.