"UA94/2/1 Rodes Myers Scrapbook" by Rodes Myers


Rodes Myers


Partial scrapbook created by Rodes Myers, Ogden College Class of 1919. The scrapbook includes Ogden College baccalaureate, commencement, debate and lunch programs; clippings regarding Myers participation in debates, Ogden faculty and alumni; Ogden basketball ticket; and his attendance at University of Cincinnati and University of Kentucky. Rodes Kirby Myers son of W.H. and Helen (Kirby) Myers was born in Bowling Green, Kentucky on June 29, 1900. He attended Ogden College from 1916-1919 and taught there in 1920 and at Morganfield High School in 1921. Myers went on to study law at the University of Cincinnati and the University of Kentucky where he obtained his LLB in 1925. Rodes Myers followed his father into politics and served in many capacities including state representative 1934-1939 and 1945; state senator 1948-1950 and lieutenant governor 1939-1943. He died March 10, 1960.



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