"UA94/1/1 Elizabeth Curd Tucker Scrapbook" by Elizabeth Curd Tucker


Elizabeth Curd Tucker was born February 9, 1863 near Glasgow, Kentucky to Havilah and Leticia (Mosby) Curd. She attended Glasgow Normal School graduating in 1880 when she delivered the valedictory speech at commencement. She married George Tucker on December 16, 1884 in Cave City. Except for a brief residence in Bowling Green between 1914 and 1921, the couple lived and raised their family in Cave City where George owned and operated the Tucker Telephone Company. They had six daughters and two sons. Mrs. Tucker died in Glasgow September 18, 1947. The scrapbook was donated to the WKU University Archives by her daughters in 1975. Scrapbook created by Glasgow Normal School graduate Elizabeth Curd Tucker Scrapbook. The bulk of the scrapbook is made up of newspaper clippings of poetry and articles regarding education and sermons. There are Glasgow Normal School commencement programs and drawings by her son Charles and an unidentified artist in the scrapbook as well. The following articles are of particular interest: "Glasgow Normal Senate," Friday May 28, 1880 which mentions Ms. Curd, p. 49. "Glasgow Commencement Exercises," June 30, 1880 which mentions Ms. Curd giving the valedictory, p. 50. Address delivered by Glasgow Normal School founder A.W. Mell at the Louisville Annual Methodist Conference, p. 54. Wedding announcement for Prof. H. Leibing and Ella Bohannon, p. 55. "Graduates of Glasgow Normal School," p. 58. J.K. Gwynn obituary, p. 77.
