Mahurin Honors College Capstone Experience/Thesis Projects
Theatre and Dance
Document Type
As designer for The Enchanted Attic, a children’s show, and Blood Brothers, a full length musical, I found that the requirements were vastly different for each project. In designing The Enchanted Attic I began by looking at what I knew: it was a children’s show, I knew children would be the main audience. When I was designing Blood Brothers I knew that it was a musical, and the audience was probably going to be teenagers and older since there was a bit of violence and heavier subjects addressed. My approach with these shows varied greatly, but there were still many steps I had to go through for both productions.
Theatre and Performance Studies
Recommended Citation
Franzini, Laura Mae, "A Deeper Look Into the World of Costuming" (2007). Mahurin Honors College Capstone Experience/Thesis Projects. Paper 122.
bb Cost Plot
bb pull_purchase list#1B11.xls (32 kB)
bb Pull Purchase
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bb Budget
bbscene breakdown.xls (28 kB)
bb Scene Breakdown
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bb Shopping List
Blood Brothers PPL.xls (23 kB)
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