Mahurin Honors College Capstone Experience/Thesis Projects



Document Type



The Collapse: An Annotated Screenplay consists of an in-depth theoretical essay and an original feature-length screenplay, with a series of annotations to the screenplay explicating how the principles established in the essay are implemented in a creative work. The essay, entitled “The Absurd Screen: Bresson, Tarkovsky, and ‘Waterless Deserts,’” investigates how Albert Camus’ philosophy of the absurd applies to the cinematic styles of two directors – Robert Bresson and Andrei Tarkovsky – using examples from the filmmakers’ own theoretical writings and specific scenes and sequences from their films. The Collapse provides a practical example of the essay’s conclusions and categorizations, weaving both the formal and narrative theoretical precepts into an observable aesthetic paragon. Elucidating the connections between the two, the annotations, in the form of endnotes, provide an unusual level of transparency and accountability, both uniting the primary elements of the project and revealing the creative process in practice.

Advisor(s) or Committee Chair

Dr. Ted Hovet


Arts and Humanities | English Language and Literature
