Publication Date

Spring 1976

Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

John H. Petersen (director), Thomas Madron, and Faye Carroll


Thesis submitted for Master of Arts degree in Government. Thesis advisor

Degree Type

Master of Arts


An overview of the political activity of Mexican university

students during the 1968 disturbances in Mexico was compared with data

taken from a 1964 attitudinal survey conducted by the International

Research Associates, Incorporated of university students from nine

Mexican universities in an attempt to find possible trends and attitudes

that could have predicted the 1968 and subsequent riots. The population

for the analysis came from three of the nine universities based on the

levels of activity shown during the 1968 riots ranging from most active

to least active. Three main variables; activism as of 1968, ideological

self-designation as of 1964 and degrees of discrepancy as of 1964 were

cross-tabulated with sex, .age, father's education and community size.

Students who in 1964 saw themselves as falling to the extreme left of

the ideological scale were found to be in the more active university in

1968. The majority of students in 1964 did not view the government

and accompanying institutions as being that far from their own

ideological views. The most active university had the largest percentage

of students in the 31 or older category. Sex held no significance

bearing on activism. Students coming from populations of less than

10,000 were found to be more highly concentrated in the most active

university and those students whose father had completed college were

also concentrated in the more active university.


Political History | Political Science | Social History
