"Determinants of use of Health Care by Black Males" by Bennie Shobe

Publication Date


Degree Program

Department of Sociology

Degree Type

Master of Art


The purpose of this research was to find the differences in the use of medical care between black males and white males and between young black males and older black males. A combination of the conflict perspective, formal-rationality, sick roles, and social learning perspective was used to understand what black males think about using medical care. Secondary analysis was performed on data from the 1992 National Health Interview Survey. ANOVA, t tests, correlation analyses, and multiple regressions were performed to determine the differences in the use of medical care and what factors influenced visiting a doctor. Results indicate no difference in the number of doctor visits per year for black and white males. Differences in the number of doctor visits were found to be associated with place of residency and age. Education, employment, and number of conditions were the three factors that had the most influence on the number of doctor visits.



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