"Examining the Relationship Between Family Leisure and Physical Activit" by Trinity Edwards

Publication Date


Degree Program

Department of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport

Degree Type

Master of Science


This study examined the relationship between family leisure and physical activity in seventh and eighth grade students. The sample was self-selected from a population of students from a Midwest junior high school (N=526). Data were collected through a survey instrument sent home with students via their homeroom teacher. The instrument was accompanied by: (a) minor assent form, (b) parental informed consent form, and (c) survey instrument for the parent respondents including relevant demographic questions. The survey instrument comprised the Family Leisure Activity Profile (Zabriskie, 2000), Satisfaction with Family Life Scale, and six physical activity questions. The physical activity questions were from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Youth Risk Behavior Survey (Center for Disease Control, 2006b). Pearson product-moment correlations were used to examine the relationships between the research variables. Findings from the data indicated a positive relationship between family leisure and physical activity in adolescents. Findings also indicated significant relationships between youth satisfaction with family life and both family leisure and physical activity.


Sports Sciences
