"A Descriptive Study of the Selection Procedures Used by Kentucky Manuf" by Amy Dumanois

Publication Date


Degree Program

Department of Psychology

Degree Type

Master of Science of Industrial and Organizationl Psychology


The purpose of this study was to investigate and describe the selection practices used by manufacturing companies in Kentucky and whether the size of the organization and the number of employees hired in 1999 affected the use of valid selection procedures and compliance with EEO Guidelines. Surveys (300) were mailed to Human Resources professionals with a response rate of 35.7%. The majority of participants reported using three selection procedures: interviews, application blanks, and reference checks. The size of the organization and the number of employee hired in 1999 were not found to be related to the tendency to use a greater number of selection procedures and use valid selection procedures as predicted. Company size and the number hired were found to influence the organization's tendency to be in compliance with EEO Guidelines. Given the tight labor market, it is likely the selection function will remain an important factor in the applied sector for years to come.


Industrial and Organizational Psychology
