Archives Month is a time to focus on the importance of records of enduring value. This year the theme is Education, so in this space, we've highlighted documents and objects created by and used in educational institutions in Kentucky. Most of these institutions are defunct or have morphed into something else. They include female academies, Rosenwald schools, missionary institutes and trade schools.

Potter College for Young Ladies

Potter College for Young Ladies

Southern Normal School & Business College

Southern Normal School & Business College

Glasgow Normal School

Glasgow Normal School

Annville Institute

Annville Institute

Columbia Male & Female High School

Columbia Male & Female High School

Logan Female College

Logan Female College

Kentucky Institute for the Feeble Minded Children

Kentucky Institute for the Feeble Minded Children

Kentucky Institute for the Deaf & Dumb, 1860-1900

Kentucky Institute for the Deaf & Dumb, 1860-1900

Kentucky Institution for the Education of the Blind

Kentucky Institution for the Education of the Blind

Nell Jones, Student Teacher Evaluation

Nell Jones, Student Teacher Evaluation

Rosenwald Community School Plan No. 1-A

Rosenwald Community School Plan No. 1-A

Nall T. Hooks, Student Teacher Evaluation

Nall T. Hooks, Student Teacher Evaluation