Editorial cartoons featured in the College Heights Herald from 1960 through 1969. The early cartoons are less editorial and more WKU student experience centric. As the decade wore on national events impacting students, such as the Vietnam War, were increasingly represented in the cartoonists' work. There is an amount of restraint, probably due to the suspension of the students in 1965 for creating an underground newspaper far more critical of WKU administration and U.S. government than the College Heights Herald could be.

According to Parliamentary Procedure . . .

According to Parliamentary Procedure . . .

Apollo 11

Apollo 11

Superman Flunks Draft Exam

Superman Flunks Draft Exam

Our Feet Are High Off the Ground

Our Feet Are High Off the Ground

Well, Would You Believe a Little Bitty Foul?

Well, Would You Believe a Little Bitty Foul?

We Are Glad Springtime is Here

We Are Glad Springtime is Here

Well, At Least Call Off Your Dog!

Well, At Least Call Off Your Dog!

Ain't You Got No 'Couth?'

Ain't You Got No 'Couth?'

The Student Government Kid

The Student Government Kid

I'll Show Them . . .

I'll Show Them . . .

A Study in Culture

A Study in Culture

Tuck Your Shirt Tail In

Tuck Your Shirt Tail In