WKU Board of Regents Resolution May 9, 1930:
THAT THIS BODY ORDER that for all time to come the day of November 16th of each year be set aside as a day of celebration in honor of the FOUNDER of the school and the FATHER of TEACHERS COLLEGES in Kentucky; that it be known as Cherry Day and that upon this day the Board of Regents and faculty have charge of the school and with fitting ceremonies take cognizance of the benefit that H.H. Cherry has been to the State and to the institution. The date of November 16th is set aside because of the fact that this is H.H. Cherry's birthday, having been born on November 16th 1864. A committee consisting of M.O. Hughes and M.B. Harlin was appointed by the Chairman to draft suitable resolutions in connection with choosing November 16th of each year as Cherry Day.
This year we take a moment to honor Henry Cherry on his 150th birthday as well as other founders of WKU.
The Kentucky Education Association, Governor J.C.W. Beckham, H.H. Cherry, several state legislators, the board of regents, faculty, staff, students, and other citizens also played their roles in establishing Western Kentucky State Normal School and setting its course.
Along the way, many more individuals have continued to build on that foundation and to add to it. All of our most recognizable traditions and institutions can be traced back to the hard work, passion, vision, and dedication of our Founders.
Selected Sources & Additional Material
- Chelf, Carl. Henry Cherry Educator - Politician
- Cherry, Henry
- Cherry Statue Time Capsule online exhibit
- Harrison, Lowell, Western Kentucky University, 1987 access limited to WKU personnel, students and alumni
- Historic Architecture at Western Kentucky University
- Talisman, 1980 part 1, part 2
- Teachers College Heights, Vol. 16, No. 6
- TopScholar - WKU Archives
- Turner, Todd. Architect Had Designs on Western Buildings, College Heights Herald, Oct. 28, 1986
- WKU Archives Vertical Files
- WKU Board of Regents
- WKU Timeline
All sources and images are available in WKU Archives.