
Volume 12, Issue 1 (2019) Biomechanics and Neural Control

Position Stand


Ethical Issues Relating to Scientific Discovery in Exercise Science
James W. Navalta, Whitley J. Stone, and Scott Lyons

Original Research


Reductions in Kinematics from Brassieres with Varying Breast Support
Taylor M. Gibson, Nilanthy Balendra, Ksenia I. Ustinova, and Joseph Langenderfer


The Effect of Cold-Water Immersion on Running Mechanics
Lucas M. DiBenedetto, Kristyne Wiegand, and Julia Freedman Silvernail


Dorsiflexion Range of Motion in Copers and Those with Chronic Ankle Instability
Madison M. Vomacka, Melena R. Calhoun, Monica R. Lininger, and Jupil Ko


Trunk Muscle Activation During Dynamic Sling Training Exercises
Tobias Morat, Denis Holzer, and Rieke Trumpf


Measurement of Strength Gains Using a Fascial System Exercise Program
Michele M. Bond, Richard Lloyd, Robyn A. Braun, and James A. Eldridge


Comparison of Single Leg Squat Variations on Lower Limb Muscle Activation and Center of Pressure Alterations
Mary Grace Knoll, Mackenzie C. Davidge, Claire E. Wraspir, and John A. Korak

Systematic Reviews


Factors Affecting PhD Student Success
Sonia N. Young, William R. VanWye, Mark A. Schafer, Troy A. Robertson, and Ashley Vincent Poore


T. Scott Lyons, PhD, FACSM
University of North Alabama
James W. Navalta, PhD, FACSM
University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Whitley Stone, PhD
University of Central Missouri

Editor Emeritus

Brian K. McFarlin, PhD, FACSM
University of North Texas
View Full Editorial Board


Scopus Cite Score: 1.16

H-index: 12


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