International Journal of Exercise Science 12(2): 1206-1215, 2019. The purpose of this study was to compare the metabolic effects during a similar bout of exercise on a novel, whole body exercise device (Fish and Kangaroo Machine; FKM) and a cycle ergometer. Recreationally active men and women (n =13) completed two exercise sessions. The exercise protocol included intervals alternating between exercise (3-min) and rest (3-min) for a total duration of 39-min. The exercise intensity between the two modes was matched based on heart rate response. Heart rate, cardiac output, and stroke volume were measured using a wireless telemetry technique (Physioflow Enduro). Oxygen consumption (VO2) was measured via breath-by-breath automated analysis of expired respiratory gas (MGC Diagnostics Ultima). Capillary blood lactate was measured using a handheld meter (LactatePlus). While maintaining the heartrate response, stroke volume presented at a higher-level during rest periods, although not significant. There was also higher cardiac output at the end of the exercise bout with the FKM. VO2 was lower at the same heart rate and peak lactate was higher during FKM exercise. Cardiovascular recovery was improved following FKM exercise compared to cycling. The observed responses demonstrated that for a similar heart rate response, the FKM has an enhanced anaerobic metabolic component compared to cycling. These findings demonstrate the FKM may represent a novel exercise device comparable to cycling with unique anaerobic training potential.
Recommended Citation
Gary, Melody A. and McFarlin, Brian K.
"Metabolic and Cardiovascular Responses on a Novel, Whole Body Exercise Device Compared to a Cycle Ergometer,"
International Journal of Exercise Science: Vol. 12
2, Pages 1206 - 1215.
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