International Journal of Exercise Science 13(4): 281-297, 2020. This study was designed to quantify the relationships between physical characteristics and maximal strength in the back squat, the bench press and the deadlift on powerlifters and football players.Eighteen male junior drug-tested classic powerlifters and seventeen NCAA Division II American football players’ anthropometric measurements were taken to compare them with maximal strength results from either a powerlifting meet or testing from their supervised strength and conditioning program. Pearson’s bivariate correlations analysis revealed (statistical significance was set at p
Recommended Citation
Ferland, Pierre-Marc; Pollock, Alexander C.; Swope, Ryan; Ryan, Mark; Reeder, Michael; Heumann, Kristin J.; and Comtois, Alain-Steve
"The Relationship Between Physical Characteristics and Maximal Strength in Men Practicing the Back Squat, the Bench Press and the Deadlift,"
International Journal of Exercise Science: Vol. 13
4, Pages 281 - 297.
Available at: