Volume 15, Issue 3 (2022) Clinical Exercise Physiology, Physical Therapy and Athletic Training
Original Research
Sleep and Risk for Metabolic Syndrome, Hypertension, Diabetes and Obesity Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Philip Zendels, Trudy L. Moore-Harrison, and Jane F. Gaultney
Relationships between Physiological and Self-Reported Assessment of Cancer-Related Fatigue
Trista Olson, Kevin D. Dames, Jeremy D. Smith, and Reid Hayward
US Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Cadets’ Knowledge of Exercise-related Musculoskeletal Injuries
Joshua D. Wooldridge, Noelle M. Selkow, Todd A. McLoda, and Kara N. Radzak
Higher Body Mass Index Values Do Not Impact Physical Function and Lower-Extremity Muscle Strength Performance in Active Older Individuals
Vitor A.A.A. Siqueira, Emerson Sebastião, Clayton L. Camic, and Dalmo R.L. Machado
Acute Effects of Velocity-Based Resistance Training on the Physical Functional Performance of Older Adults
Suzy S. PINTO, Ewertton S. BEZERRA, Keuly G. SILVA, Rodrigo RAMIREZ-CAMPILLO, and Abderaouf B. ABDERRAHMAN
Tri-Set Training System Induces a High Muscle Swelling with Short Time Commitment in Resistance-Trained Subjects: A Cross-Over Study
Julio Benvenutti Bueno de Camargo, Rafael Sakai Zaroni, Antônio Carlos Tavares Júnior, Thiago Pires de Oliveira, Thiago Barbosa Trindade, Charles Ricardo Lopes, and Felipe Brigatto
The Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Muscle Oxygen Saturation in the Rectus Femoris
Zachary R. Brodeur, Michael J. Paustian, Drew A. Monteleone-Haught, Robert A. Lamm, Annaliza G. Pagano, and Carrie E. Ellis
Effects Of Two Different Exercise Training Programs Periodization On Anthropometric And Functional Parameters In People Living With HIV: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Weverton Fonseca Soares, Vitor Lopes Soares, Hugo Ribeiro Zanetti, Fernando Freitas Neves, Mário Leon Silva-Vergara, and Edmar Lacerda Mendes
Efficacy of Six Weeks Stability Exercises on the Glenohumeral Joint of Female Tennis Players with Scapular Dyskinesia
Sahar Modares Gorji, Omid Kazemi, Parisa Shahrzad, and Paulo H. Marchetti
Immediate Effect of Warm-Up on Single-Leg Balance in Individuals with and without Functional Ankle Instability
Emily Abalos and You-jou Hung
Impact of an Acute Bout of Submaximal Aerobic Exercise on Circulating Leukocytes in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
Garett S. Jackson, Kendra R. Todd, Jan W. van der Scheer, Jeremy J. Walsh, Gabriel U. Dix, Kathleen A. Martin Ginis, and Jonathan P. Little
The Association Between Handgrip Strength Asymmetry Severity and Future Morbidity Accumulation: Results from the Health and Retirement Study
Lukus Klawitter, Kyle Collins, Dawson Ringhofer, Bryan Christensen, and Ryan McGrath
Efficacy of a 6-Week Suspension Training Exercise Program on Fitness Components in Older Adults
Christina Pierle, Alexander T. McDaniel, Lindsey H. Schroeder, Michel J.H. Heijnen, and Wayland Tseh
Exercise Based Cancer Rehabilitation Program Improves Phase Angle in Breast Cancer Survivors
Trevor Short, Cheri Teranishi-Hashimoto, and Paulette Yamada
Neuromuscular Fatigability Associated With Different Pacing Strategies During an Ultra-Endurance Pull-Up Task: A Case Study
Jenny Zhang, Arash Khassetarash, Guillaume Y. Millet, and Saied J. Aboodarda
Effects of Oxidative Damage during Ruesi Dadton Exercise in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Phaksachiphon Khanthong, Ananya Dechakhamphu, Kusuma Sriyakul, Aungkana Krajarng, Chuntida Kamalashiran, and Parunkul Tungsukruthai
The Effects of Traditional versus Ability-Based Physical Training on the Health and Fitness of Custody Assistant Recruits
Karly Rodas, Joseph Dulla, Matthew R. Moreno, Ashley Bloodgood, Megan McGuire, Robin (Rob) Marc Orr, J. Jay Dawes, and Robert G. Lockie
Systematic Reviews
Pre-exhaustion Training, a Narrative Review of the Acute Responses and Chronic Adaptations
Thiago Trindade, Ragami Alves, Bruno de Castro, Matheus de Medeiros, Jason de Medeiros, Paulo Dantas, and Jonato Prestes
Effects of Self-myofascial Release Instruments on Performance and Recovery: An Umbrella Review
Ricardo M. Ferreira, Pedro N. Martins, and Rui S. Gonçalves
Sex Differences in the Glycemic Response to Structured Exercise Interventions in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Adults: A Systematic Review
Amaya Prat-Luri, Alejandro Lopez-Valenciano, Elena Sarabia-Cachadiña, Gary Liguori, and Francisco Ayala
The Association of Field Test Outcomes with Peak Oxygen Uptake in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis: A Systematic Review
Natália E. Campos, Fernanda M. Vendrusculo, Gisele A. da Costa, Ingrid S. de Almeida, Nicolas A. Becker, and Márcio V F Donadio
Functional Benefits of Hard Martial Arts for Older Adults: A Scoping Review
Ian Miller, Mike Climstein, and Luke Del Vecchio
Effects of Training with Blood Flow Restriction on Muscular Strength: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Katelyn Gear, Kyungun Kim, and Sukho Lee
University of North Alabama
Executive Editors
University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Western Kentucky University
Editor Emeritus
University of North Texas
Scopus Cite Score: 1.16
H-index: 12
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