Volume 15, Issue 4 (2022) Fitness Assessment
Original Research
Relationships Between Hex Bar Deadlift One-Repetition Maximum and Maximal Isometric Pulls
Brandon A. Miller, Eliott Arroyo, Emily C. Tagesen, and Adam R. Jajtner
The Health and Fitness Characteristics of Civilian Jailer Recruits Prior to Academy Training
Robert G. Lockie, Matthew R. Moreno, Joseph M. Dulla, Robin (Rob) Marc Orr, J. Jay Dawes, and Karly A. Rodas
Analysis of Total and Segmental Body Composition Relative to Fitness Performance Measures in Law Enforcement Recruits
KYLE S. COLLINS, Bryan Christensen, Robin Marc Orr, Joe Dulla, J. Jay Dawes, and Robert G. Lockie
Muscle Daily Undulating Periodization for Strength and Body Composition: The Proposal of a New Model
Douglas Leão Peixoto, Bruno Magalhães De Castro, Anderson Geremias Macedo, Christiano Bertoldo Urtado, Paulo Soares Lima, Richard Leite, James W. Navalta, and Jonato Prestes
A Submaximal Field Test of Aerobic Capacity does not Accurately Reflect VO2max in Career Firefighters
Davis Hale‡, Roger O. Kollock, Jacob Thomas, Gabriel J. Sanders, Will Peveler, Andrew Mangan, and Blake Landon
Acute Effects of Inter-set Stretching on Performance and Metabolic Parameters of Resistance-trained Men
Julio Benvenutti Bueno de Camargo, Felipe Alves Brigatto, Moises Diego Germano, Raphael Machado Conceicao, Ivan Teixeira, Rebecca Duarte, Luiza Fellet, Tiago Volpi Braz, Jonato Prestes, Paulo Henrique Marchetti, Jeffrey Willardson, and Charles Ricardo Lopes
Effect of Different Training Programs at Self-Selected Intensity on Body Composition, Perceptual Responses and Fitness Outcomes in Obese Women
Ragami Chaves Alves, Alysson Enes, Lucio Follador, Jonato Prestes, and Sérgio Gregório da Silva
Validation of a New Ramping Aerobic Exercise Protocol (NDKS) in Overweight, Obese, and Normal Weight Individuals
Jill K. Nustad, McKaela E. Halvorson, and Alexa L. Scott
Comparison of a Continuous and Discontinuous GXT on VO2 in Resistance-Trained and Endurance-Trained Males
Brandon D. Shepherd, Ffion G. Price, Ben Krings, and JohnEric W. Smith
Effects of Six-week Periodized Versus Non-Periodized Kettlebell Swing Training on Strength, Power and Muscular Endurance
Evaldo Rui Tavares Santos Junior, Belmiro de Salles, Ingrid Dias, Roberto Simão, and Jeff Willardson
Differences in Stronger Versus Weaker Firefighters in Selected Measures of Power
Quincy Johnson, J. Jay Dawes, Melissa Uftring, Marcel Lopes Dos Santos, Davis Hale, Gabriel J. Sanders, Will Peveler, and Roger O. Kollock
The Bigger They Are: Relationships between Body Height and Mass with the Body Drag Task in Law Enforcement Recruits
Robert G. Lockie, J. Jay Dawes, Robin Marc Orr, and Joseph Dulla
Predictors of Academic Performance in High School Students: The Longitudinal ASAP Study
Marie-Maude Dubuc, Mylene Aubertin-Leheudre, and Antony D. Karelis
Tiago Volpi Braz, Danilo Rodrigues Batista, Julio Benvenutti Bueno de Camargo, Luan Oenning Col, Wellington Gonçalves Dias, Guilherme Borsetti Businari, Jhenipher Moniky Rosolem, Felipe Alves Brigatto, Paulo Henrique Barbosa, and Charles Ricardo Lopes
Prediction of Functional Threshold Power from Graded Exercise Test Data in Highly-Trained Individuals
Eanna Mc Grath, Bernard Donne, Alessio Benavoli, Neil Fleming, and Nicholas Mahony
High and Low-speed Resistance Training Induce Similar Physical and Functional Responses in Older Women
Ádria S. N. Noronha, Eduardo M. Penna, Rayra K. N. Dias, Antenor B. C. de Azevedo, and Victor S. Coswig
Unilateral Handgrip Holds to Failure Result in Sex-Dependent Contralateral Facilitation
Caleb C. Voskuil, Taylor K. Dinyer-McNeely, Pasquale J. Succi, Marilyn S. Campbell, Mark G. Abel, and Haley C. Bergstrom
Differences Between Pullover and Pulldown Exercises on Maximal Isometric Force and Myoelectric Activity in Recreationally-Trained Men
Luis Felipe M. Teixeira, Willy A. Gomes, Josinaldo J. da Silva, Roberto A. Magalhaes, and Paulo Henrique Marchetti
Development of a Standard Push-up Scale for College-Aged Females
Melanie M. Adams, Sophie A. Hatch, Elizabeth G. Winsor, and Caitlyn Parmelee
Acute Handgrip Fatigue and Forearm Girth in Recreational Sport Rock Climbers
Grace Antoinette Macdonald, Jacob W. Manning, Nathaniel Bodell, John C. Young, Brian K. Schilling, Szu-Ping Lee, and James W. Navalta
Utilizing Heart Rate and RPE to Prescribe Cycle Ergometer HIIT in Older Adults: A Feasibility Study
Christopher J. Keating, Pedro Ángel Latorre Román, José Carlos Cabrera Linares, Ana de la Casa Pérez, and Juan Antonio Párraga Montilla
Living Situation and Physical Activity in the COVID-19 Pandemic Among American Private University Students
Eduardo Gonzalez Villarreal, Laura S. Kabiri, Cassandra S. Diep, Hedi Y. Perkins, Amanda M. Perkins-Ball, and Augusto X. Rodriguez
Effects of Varying Load Intensity on Skeletal Muscle Damage Between Two Isovolumic Resistance Exercise Bouts
Lee J. Winchester, Cody E. Morris, Patton Allen, Teresa Wiczynski, Scott W. Arnett, and T. Scott Lyons
Differences in Rate of Perceived Exertion and Workload Intensity in Males and Females during Submaximal Arm and Leg Ergometry
Konrad J. Dias, Amanda Mungenast, Stephanie Sherwood, Patrick McPherson, Allison Verville, Shannon Eaton, and Dustin Nadler
Implementation Of High Intensity Interval Training And Autoregulatory Progressive Resistance Exercise In A Law Enforcement Training Academy
Gabriel J. Martinez, Xin Ma, Stuart A. Best, Benjamin F. Johnson, and Mark Abel
Physiological Responses to Speed-Matched Running on Non-Motorized Assault AirRunner versus Traditional Treadmills in Active Females: A Pilot Study
Noelle Morrow, Kayla Mitchell, Hannah Weighart, Diana Alonzo, and Stephen Ives
Exploring Predictive Ability of Fitness Test Data Relative to Fire Academy Graduation in Trainees: Practical Applications for Physical Training
Robert G. Lockie, Robin (Rob) Marc Orr, Fernando Montes, Tomas Ruvalcaba, and J. Jay Dawes
Impact of Two Types of Fitness Programs on Soldier Physical Fitness
Aaron G. Parks, William H. Murrah, Wendi H. Weimar, Paige A. McHenry, Donald Bigham, Kkevin Giordano, and JoEllen M. Sefton
Changes in Fitness-Fatness Index following a Personalized, Community-Based Exercise Program in Physically Inactive Adults: a Randomised Controlled Trial
Longitudinal Changes in Fat and Lean Mass: Comparisons between 3D-Infrared and Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Scans in Athletes
Matthew VanSumeren, Spencer Weber, Justin Civelek, Jordan Sabourin, Valerie Smith-Hale, and Tamara Hew-Butler
A Preliminary Comparison of Firefighter Candidates' Biddle Physical Ability Test Performance and Success Based on Training Class Participation
Robert G. Lockie, Tomas Ruvalcaba, Megan Thompson, Erika Viramontes, Robin (Rob) Marc Orr, J. Jay Dawes, and Joseph Dulla
Muscle architecture and strength changes induced by different resistance training frequencies and detraining
Tiago Volpi Braz, Felipe Brigatto, Danilo Rodrigues Batista, Wellington Gonçalves Dias, Luan Oenning Col, Guilherme Borsetti Businari, Jhenipher Rosolem, Julio Benvenutti Bueno de Camargo, Paulo Henrique Barbosa, and Charles Ricardo Lopes
Systematic Reviews
Effect of Different Numbers of Interset Antagonist Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching on the Total Number of Repetitions for the Agonists
Humberto Miranda, Aline Aparecida De Oliveira, Juliana Soares dos Santos Ribeiro, Fabio Henrique De Freitas, Juliana Brandão Pinto de Castro, Renato L. Alvarenga, and Jeff Willardson
Julio Benvenutti Bueno de Camargo, Felipe Alves Brigatto, Rafael Sakai Zaroni, Thiago Barbosa Trindade, Moises Diego Germano, Antonio Carlos Tavares Júnior, Thiago Pires De Oliveira, Paulo Henrique Marchetti, Jonato Prestes, and Charles Ricardo Lopes
University of North Alabama
Executive Editors
University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Western Kentucky University
Editor Emeritus
University of North Texas
Scopus Cite Score: 1.16
H-index: 12
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