
Volume 17, Issue 8 (2024) Special Issue on Inclusion

The International Journal of Exercise Science extends an invitation to authors engaged in work centered on inclusivity in sport and exercise science. Manuscripts may be included in the 2024 special issue, or the 2025 special issue on inclusion. Benefits include a reduced indexing fee and utilization of the color splash banner on the published manuscript. Please contact editor@intjexersci.com with any questions, or to notify the editors of an intended submission.

Position Stand


The 2024 International Journal of Exercise Science Position Stand on Inclusion
James W. Navalta, Dustin W. Davis, Jafra Thomas, Matthew J. Garver, Shannon Siegel, Joel D. Reece, and Jill M. Maples

Invited Editorial


How an IJES Working Group Grappled with the Complexities of Three Letters—DEI—With the Goal to Broaden Inclusion and Representation in Exercise Science Research
Dustin W. Davis, Matthew J. Garver, Jafra Thomas, James W. Navalta, Shannon Siegel, Joel D. Reece, and Jill M. Maples

Original Research

Technical Note


EmpowerHER: A Pilot Study to Increase Physical Activity and Strength Through Powerbuilding
Aspen E. Streetman, Murry T. Streetman, Halle N. Brin, Emily L. Mailey, and Katie M. Heinrich


Whitley Stone, PhD
Western Kentucky University

Executive Editors

James W. Navalta, PhD, FACSM
University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Dustin W. Davis, PhD
University of Nevada - Las Vegas

Editor Emeritus

T. Scott Lyons, PhD, FACSM
Western Kentucky University
Brian K. McFarlin, PhD, FACSM
University of North Texas
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