Physique-focused (PF) sports have a higher emphasis on aesthetics as an aspect for performance compared to non-physique-focused (NPF) sports. PF sports emphasize body image, leading athletes to prioritize leanness or low body weight, which could put them at increased risk for Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs). PURPOSE: This study aims to compare weight, body composition, bone mineral density (BMD), and EDE-Q global score between PF and NPF athletes to assess potential REDs risk. METHODS: 35 current Division I or II collegiate athletes from the DFW metroplex participated in this study. During a morning fasted visit (0700-0900), participants completed the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q) 6.0, body composition measurements via BIA (fat mass, FM; skeletal muscle mass, SKM), and DXA scans at the spine, dual femur and total body for BMD. Data were analyzed between groups using an independent t-test. RESULTS: 18 PF athletes (age 20.1±1.6 y, n=1 male) and 17 NPF athletes (age 20.4±1.5 y, n=4 males) have completed this study. Body weight was significantly lower in PF (67.9±10.4 kg) compared to NPF (83.2±15.5 kg, p=0.002). And although FM was not different between PF (18.5±7.9 kg) and NPF (22.6±8.9 kg, p=0.162), SKM was significantly lower in PF (23.1±4.1 kg) compared to NPF (29.5±6.9 kg, p=0.003). Surprisingly, BMD (g/cm2) was significantly higher in PF athletes at the spine (1.51± 0.11 vs 1.31±0.14, p<0.001), hip (1.34±0.14 vs 1.15±0.18, p=0.001), and total body (1.40±0.13 vs 1.20±0.12, p<0.001) compared to NPF athletes. The EDE-Q global score was not different between PF (1.15±1.35) and NPF athletes (0.64±0.77, p=0.182). Based on IOC REDs CAT2 criteria, REDS risk was not different within these two groups of PF and NPF athletes (p=0.893). Overall, there were 20 athletes in the ‘green,’ 14 ‘yellow,’ and 1 ‘orange’ classification. CONCLUSION: These findings highlight differences in SKM and BMD between PF and NPF athletes, but REDs risk and disordered eating behaviors did not significantly differ between groups. This suggests that the relationship between sport type and REDs risk may be more complex than previously understood. Future research should explore the mechanisms influencing REDs development across different sports and how sport-specific demands contribute to these health outcomes.
Recommended Citation
Cipriano, Nicole; Kolb, Diana; Moody, Ross; Lopez, Nicholas; Stephens, Jason; and Deemer, Sarah
"Comparison of REDs Risk Factors in Physique Focused and Non-Physique Focused Collegiate Athletes in the DFW Metroplex,"
International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings: Vol. 2:
17, Article 65.
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