Texas Chapter Conference Proceedings - American College of Sports Medicine
Texas ACSM Abstracts
Assessing Accuracy of Smartwatch-based Estimation of Maximum Oxygen Consumption Using Different Watches
Chelsea Seifert, Jenna O'Dell, Aaron Canham, Shae Harris, and Shelly Weise
Effect of Improved Sleep Regularity on Subendocardial Viability Ratio in Young to Middle-Aged Adults
Gabriel Narvaez and Joaquin Gonzales
Does Swearing Improve Exercise Performance and Pain Tolerance?: Cultural Perspective
Jide Yinka Adebiyi, Christos Kyrillou, Elijah Martinez, Anika Patel, Emily Payne, Linsheng Chen, Daroonwan Suksom, and Hirofumi Tanaka
Effect of Voltage-Dependent Potassium Channel Antagonism on Vasodilation in Skeletal Muscle of Humans
Ysabella I. Ruiz-Pick, Rauchelle E. Richey, Brenda L. Gilliland, Tyson C. Garfield, Asim Kichloo, Albert H. Olivencia-Yurvati, Gregory M. Dick, and Steven A. Romero
The Relationship Between Handgrip Strength and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Older Women
Adriana N. Guerrero and Emily Sauers
The Associations Between Acute High-Intensity Exercise, Perceived Energy Levels, and Cognition
Myungjin Jung, Paul Dinneen Loprinzi, and Zakary Patrick
Various Measures of Arterial Stiffness in Overweight and Obesity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Yanbing Zhou, Kazumasa Manabe, Takanobu Okamoto, and Hirofumi Tanaka
Sex-Specific Responses of Heat Acclimation on Running Performance in Cool Environmental Conditions
Marcos S. Keefe, Ryan A. Dunn, Kelly B. Elliott, Ruben E. Moya, and Yasuki Sekiguchi
Effects Of NMES On EMG-EMG Coherence Across Glenohumeral Muscles During Fatigue In Rotator Cuff Disease
Xinyu Li, Huiying Zhu, Zhihao Fan, and Lisa Griffin
Evaluating ROTC Cadets’ Knowledge of General and Sports Nutrition
Sheyla Leon, Adriana Gil, Ryan Sowinski, Lisa C. Colvin, Steven E. Martin, Stella Volpe, and Drew E. Gonzalez
Sex Differences in Perceptual Adaptations During Heat Acclimation in Endurance Runners
Mario I. Hernandez, Marcos S. Keefe, Ryan A. Dunn, Ruben M. Moya, Kelly B. Elliott, and Yasuki Sekiguchi
Reliability and Relationships between Knee Extension Strength Measurements and Sit-to-Stand Performance in Older Women
Alfonzo G. Salvador and Ty B. Palmer
The Relationship Between Drop Vertical Jump Performance Variables and Knee Injury Risk Factors
Cheyenne Martinez, Chaehyun Byun, Marshall Tousant, Brian Jones, Ouays Bakcha, Veronika Kramarenko, Joseph McClain, Vipa Bernhardt, and Michael D. Oldham
Pre- to Post-season Changes in Body Composition and Movement Quality and Quantity in D1 Football Players
Brian Jones, Ouays Bakcha, Chaehyun Byun, Veronika Kramarenko, Cheyenne Martinez, Joseph McClain, Marshall Tousant, Vipa Bernhardt, and Michael D. Oldham
Developing an Evidence-Based Model for Healthy Stride Length Prediction
Jungyu Lee, Ho Han, Heontae Kim, and DIEGO DIAZ-VEGA
Anaerobic Capacity Predicts Firefighter Job Tasks
Chaehyun Byun, Cheyenne Martinez, Marshall Tousant, Vipa Bernhardt, Michael D. Oldham, and Hussien Jabai
Body Composition Impacts Jump Performance in D1 Athletes
Veronika Kramarenko, Vipa Bernhardt, MICHAEL D. OLDHAM, Brian Jones, Ouays Bakcha, Chaehyun Byun, Cheyenne Martinez, Joseph McClain, and Marshall Tousant
The Effect of Menstrual Cycle Phase on IGF-1 and Myostatin after an Acute Bout of Anaerobic Exercise: A Preliminary Analysis
Kelsi R. Lambright, Cayla Clark, Ashley Latchford, Edwin J. Davila, and Dan E. Newmire
No Impact of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Classification on The Stress Response to Firefighting
Kelly Hines, Ryan Sowinski, Steven E. Martin, Lisa C. Colvin, Matthew J. McAllister, and Drew E. Gonzalez
Bioimpedance Minimally Improves Prediction of Bone Mineral Density Beyond Demographic Information Alone
Julia A. Whitson, Christian Rodriguez, Christine M. Florez, Ethan Tinoco, Joao P. Cardoso, Jaylynn Rasco, Sieneh Francis, and Grant M. Tinsley
Elevated mTORC1 Signaling in Skeletal Muscle Alters Mitochondrial Dynamics and H2O2 Production and Exacerbates Diet-Induced Hyperglycemia
Erik D. Marchant, Hanna Kalenta, Sean P. Kilroe, Jacquelyn May, and Blake B. Rasmussen
Impact of Age on Firefighter Health and Fitness Outcomes
Jisun Chun, Michael J. Conner, Ryan J. Sowinski, Lisa C. Colvin, Steven E. Martin, and Drew E. Gonzalez
Targeted Soleus Muscle Activation Enhances Very Low-Density Lipoprotein Triglyceride Metabolism via Lipoprotein Lipase
Daniel P. LeBlanc and Marc T. Hamilton
'Super' Shoes Alter Jump Kinematics, But Not Kinetics
Marshall Tousant, Chaehyun Byun, Cheyenne Martinez, MICHAEL D. OLDHAM, and Vipa Bernhardt
A 6-week Lagree Intervention Improves Dynamic Balance and Functional Movement Screen Performance
Mayrena I. Hernandez, Jose N. Romo, Nia Matthews, Mary L. Williams, Christopher D. Greenleaf, Samuel T. Lauman, Cynthia Trowbridge, and Harsh H. Buddhadev
Accumulated Seasonal Effects of External Training Load on Performance
Sydnei Mooring, Harsh Buddhadev, Mayrena I. Hernandez, and Jennifer Bunn
Changes in Gait Patterns: Indicators of Increased Fall Risk Across Diverse Age Groups
Diego Diaz-Vega, Heontae Kim, Ho Han, Jungyu Lee, and Fatima Siddiqua
A Telehealth-Based, Top-Down Approach to Enhancing Mental Toughness Among Athletics Department Staff
Cameron Blaies, Grant Morgan, and Andreas Stamatis
Reproducibility of the Autonomic Response during Anticipatory Stress
Jenna-Marie Beisert, Jennifer Bigalke, Jeremy Bigalke, and Jason Carter
The Caloric Cost of Self-Paced Exercise in Total Body Tabata, Treadmill Running Tabata, and Continuous Treadmill Running.
Lily Hargrove, Austin Dunn, and James Rowe
The Impact of Big Steps Obstacle Negotiation on Knee Extensor Control, Hip Abductor Activation, and Inter-joint Coordination: A Potential Rehabilitation Strategy
Carly R. Biggerstaff, David Wyatt, Emery Nuner, Joshua Hermanns, Daniel Cabrera, and Amirhossein Sanaei Ardakani
Sex Differences in Nutrient Gaps in Active Adults
Christine M. Florez, Christian Rodriguez, Philip Sapp, Jeremy Townsend, and Grant M. Tinsley
Goode Health Superfood Chocolate Blend Beverage Improves Indices of Peripheral Vascular Health and Blood Lipid Profile
John Kolade, James E. Brown, Ario S. Moradi, Hannah E. Nagib, and R Matthew Brothers
Music Enhances Motor Cortex Excitability in Physically Active Individuals
Anupama Thapa, Ana Carolina Panhan, Erin Lally, and Joosung Kim
Impact of The Occupational Cardiorespiratory Fitness Standard on Firefighter Health Profiles
Macilynn E. Coles, Caiti Dodge, Lisa C. Colvin, Steven E. Martin, Matthew J. McAllister, and Drew E. Gonzalez
Impact of Years of Experience on The Stress Responses to Firefighting
Caiti Dodge, Macilynn Coles, Annette Zapp, Ryan J. Sowinski, Steven E. Martin, Lisa C. Colvin, Matthew J. McAllister, and Drew E. Gonzalez
Blood Pressure and Vascular Response to Maximal Graded Exercise Tests in Young Men with Masked Hypertension
Keng-Yu Chang, Jonathan Pham, Zhaoli Liu, R Matthew Brothers, and Chue-Lung Hwang
Muscle Metabolic Profile Following Acute Exercise in Mice with Constitutively Active mTORC1
Hanna Kalenta, Sean P. Kilroe, Trevor B. Romsdahl, Erik D. Marchant, Rosario Maroto, Jennifer J. Linares, William K. Russell, and Blake B. Rasmussen
Reliability of Handgrip Strength Measurements and their Relationship with Physical Performance Outcomes in Older Women
Alexandra Khartabil and Ty B. Palmer
The Effect of SJS/TEN on Skin Blood Flow and Sweating Responses During Heat Stress- Preliminary Data
Erin M. Harper, Elizabeth A. Gideon, Zachary J. McKenna, Shivani Jain, Melissa M. Mauskar, and Craig G. Crandall
24-Hour Movement Behaviors and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Mexican Preschoolers: Exploring BMI as a Potential Mediator
Christian Corral, Alejandra Jauregui de la Mota, Gabriela Argumedo, Armando G. Olvera, Nicolas Aguilar, Anthony D. Okely, and Deborah Salvo
Sex Specific Differences in the Response to Short Term Muscle Disuse in Middle Aged Adults
Sean P. Kilroe, Zach von Ruff, Hanna Kalenta, Emily Arentson-Lantz, Andrew J. Murton, Douglas Paddon-Jones, and Blake B. Rasmussen
Low-Energy Cooling Strategies to Mitigate Thermal Strain of Older Adults Exposed to Very Hot-Dry Heat
Isa A. Farooqi, Zachary J. McKenna, Whitley C. Atkins, Elizabeth A. Gideon, and Craig G. Crandall
Force Meets Feedback: Investigating the Impact of Lissajous Visual Augmentation on Bimanual Coordination and Force Accuracy
Ananya Luthria, Madison M. Weinrich, Brock Balthazor, Jackson Wagner, and Deanna M. Kennedy
Functional Electrical Stimulation of the Soleus Increases Ankle Mechanics with a Modest Increase in Metabolic Rate during Walking in Young and Older Adults
Ningzhen Zhao, Lisa Griffin, and Owen N. Beck
Effects of Acute Lower Body Resistance Exercise on Body Composition Parameters Assessed by DXA
Mathis Rollin, Elizabeth Hardy, Madison Merritt, Nicholas Murphy, James Scobercea, Jack Wright, Nikolas Keratsoupoulos, Christine Florez, Kindyle L. Brennan, Grant Tinsley, Jaci Kelly, Mandy Parra, and Lem Taylor
Gender Gap in Stress: Differences Amongst Sex in Biomarkers of Stress and Anxiety.
Stephanie N. Uriegas, Matthew J. McAllister, Nathan Sutton, and Hunter Martaindale
Pilot Study: Effects of Resistance Training on DEXA and DARI Metrics in NCAA Division I Cross-Country Athletes
Ouays Bakcha, Cheyenne Martinez, Chaehyun Byun, Marshall Tousant, Brian Jones, Veronika Kramarenko, Joseph McClain, Vipa Bernhardt, and MICHAEL D. OLDHAM
Examining the Relationship of E-Cigarette Vapor Exposure and Exercise Performance in Aerobically Trained Rats
Miranda N. Farrar and Nancy Morales
Vascular Responses During Steady-State Exercise in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes
Ruby A. Nyarko, Ashlesha D. Dalve, Justo Perez III, Pratima V. Kumar, and Jasdeep Kaur
Non-Linear Relationship Between Mental Toughness and Anxiety in NCAA Athletes: Unexpected Mid-Range Vulnerability
Gabriel Rollins, Ernest Rimer, Xavier Smith, Nathan Wells, Brett Hayes, Jennifer Daily, Christopher Peters, and Andreas Stamatis
Preliminary Analysis of Physiological Changes in Collegiate Artistic Swimmers During Competition Season: A Prospective Study
Ashley M. Latchford, Kelsi Lambright, Colton Sopher, and Dan E. Newmire
Co-existence of ST-Segment Depression and Exaggerated Systolic Blood Pressure Response in Older Runners
Kazumasa Manabe, Owen N. Beck, Justus Ortega, and Hirofumi Tanaka
Validity of a Portable Metabolic Analyzer for Estimating Resting Metabolic Rate in Muscular Resistance-trained Adults
Christian Rodriguez, Christine M. Florez, Ethan Tinoco, Joao P. Cardoso, Jaylynn Rasco, Julia Whitson, Sieneh Francis, and Grant M. Tinsley
Comparison of 3-Dimensional Scanning and Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry for Body Composition Estimation in Muscular, Resistance-Trained Adults
Sieneh P. Francis, Christian Rodriguez, Christine Florez, Ethan Tinoco, Joao Paulo Cardoso, Jaylynn Rasco, Julia Whitson, and Grant Tinsley
Effect of Sodium Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibition on Exercise Hyperemia in Older Adults
Harrison A. Peyrovi, Steven A. Romero, Johnathan D. Tune, Ysabella Ruiz-Pick, Asim Kichloo, Gregory M. Dick, and Brenda L. Gilliland
Comparison of NCAA D1 Women’s Basketball Game Day and Previous Practice Training Loads
Kyle Jean, Karissa A. Mesquita, David Clark, and Yasuki Sekiguchi
Correlating Visuomotor and Cognitive Assessments to Marksmanship in Police Cadets
Hussien Jabai, Micah Justice, Michael Oldham, and Vipa Bernhardt
The Relationship Between Traditional Performance Measures Countermovement Jump Testing in Youth Female Soccer Athletes
Samiha Momin, Haley Goble, Roxanne Miller, Shari Liberman, and Bradley Lambert
No Changes in Lower-Body Muscle Size and Force Characteristics Following Short-term Autoregulatory Progressive Resistance Exercise
Andrew J. West, Sierra M. Washington, Annalee G. Krahn, Dylan J. Harty, Jenaya V. Brown, Mason A. Crews, Andru N. Botello, Sarah N. Fambro, Adriana Alonso Gomez, Andrew A. Wolfe, and Micheal J. Luera
Effects of Autoregulatory Progressive Resistance Exercise on Upper-Body Rate of Force Development and Cross-Sectional Area
Andru N. Botello, Sierra M. Washington, Annalee G. Krahn, Andrew J. West, Dylan J. Harty, Jenaya V. Brown, Mason A. Crews, Sarah N. Fambro, Adriana Alonso Gomez, Andrew A. Wolfe, and Micheal J. Luera
Does Probe Positioning and Pressure Effect the Reliability of M-wave Max?
Sierra M. Washington, JoCarol E. Shields, Alejandra Barerra-Curiel, Annalee Krahn, Jesus Hernandez-Sarabia, Cameron Mackey, Calvin D. Smith, Jason M. DeFreitas, and Micheal J. Luera
Increases in Knee Extension Muscle Activation but not Peak Torque Following High Intensity Training
Adriana Alonso Gomez, Sierra M. Washignton, Annalee G. Krahn, Sarah N. Fambro, Andrew J. West, Andru N. Botello, Adam C. Avalos, Andrew A. Wolfe, and Michael J. Luera
Estimation of Constant Power Cycle Ergometer Work Rates Using Responses in Incremental Exercise Tests
Ethan Hein, Sarah Deemer, Lydia K. Caldwell, Brady McLain, Jacob McNary, Austin Shaw, and David W. Hill
Comparison of REDs Risk Factors in Physique Focused and Non-Physique Focused Collegiate Athletes in the DFW Metroplex
Nicole Cipriano, Diana Kolb, Ross Moody, Nicholas Lopez, Jason Stephens, and Sarah Deemer
Angiotensin II Induced Hypertension Induces DNA Damage Associated Gene Expression in Visceral Adipose
Nathan Cuellar, SOGOL ZAHEDI, David J. Buckley, and Daniel W. Trott
Influence of Autoregulatory Progressive Resistance Exercise on Motor Unit Firing Patterns
Sarah N. Fambro, Sierra M. Washington, Annalee G. Krahn, Calvin D. Smith, Andru N. Botello, Adriana Alonso Gomez, Andrew A. Wolfe, and Micheal J. Luera
Acute Strength Adaptations to Autoregulatory Progressive Resistance Exercise Using Relative Adjustments
Annalee G. Krahn, Andrew West, Dylan J. Harty, Jenaya V. Brown, Micheal Luera, and Andrew A. Wolfe
Effects Of Vaping Nicotine And THC On Respiratory Oxidative Stress And Pulmonary Function
Kayla McKinley, Shannon Jordan, Nikhil Patel, and Alan D. Moore
The Slow Component of the VO2 Response is Explained by the Increase in Glycolytic Contribution
Austin Shaw, Ethan J. Hein, Jacob L. McNary, Brady C. McLain, David W. Hill, Madison B. Landtiser, Lydia K. Caldwell, and Sarah E. Deemer
Effect of Hydration Status on Neuromuscular Performance Before and After Intermittent Exercise in the Heat
Kelly B. Elliott, Ty B. Palmer, Adam S. Lepley, and Yasuki Sekiguchi
Timbersports Relationship Between Upper Body Biomechanics and Accuracy
Parker W. Fourney, Amber M. Chelette, and Jeremy P. Stovall
Comparison of Two Independent Measures of Anaerobic Capacity in Women and Men
Brady C. McLain, Austin B. Shaw, Ethan J. Hein, Claudio A. Gobatto, Marcelo Papoti, FĂşlvia de Barros Manchado-Gobatto, David W. Hill, Madison B. Landtiser, Jacob L. McNary, Sarah E. Deemer, and Lydia K. Caldwell
Training Load Differences Between Position and Set in NCAA D1 Collegiate Women’s Volleyball Match
Alexandra P. Brojanac, David Clark, Katie Munger, and Yasuki Sekiguchi
Repeated Exposure to Adipose Tissue-Conditioned Media Induces Lipid Handling in Mast Cells Similar to Weight Cycling
Munira Kapadia, Alexa M. Betjemann, Matthew A. Cottam, and Heather L. Caslin
Voluntary Wheel Running Improves Glucose Homeostasis and Visceral Adiposity in Old Mice
Alexandra Canizales, David J. Buckley, Sogol Zahedi, and Daniel W. Trott
Validity of a Hydration Assessment Device for Determination of Hydration Status
Ciriany Arrazola, Marcos Keefe, Ryan Dunn, Kelly B. Elliott, and Yasuki Sekiguchi
A Single Bout of CrossFit® Exercise May Not Significantly Affect Inhibitory Control
Sara Melendez, Yu Lun Tai, Jeremy Abshire, Chien Ting Wu, and Gary Guerra
Increasing the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in UCD-T2DM Female Rats
Chandni Bhagtaney; Austin Thornton; Milena Samora; Ali Mossayebi; Kimber L. Stanhope; Peter J. Havel D.V.M., Ph.D.; Audrey J. Stone; and Michelle L. Harrison
A Popularized Measure Of Anaerobic Capacity May Not Be Valid In Short-Duration Exercise
Jacob L. McNary, Marcelo Papoti, Claudio A. Gobatto, FĂşlvia de Barros Machado-Gobatto, David W. Hill, Madison B. Landtiser, Austin Shaw, Ethan J. Hein, Brady MCLAIN, Lydia K. Caldwell, and Sarah Deemer
Greater Oxygen Uptake and Respiratory Efficiency After 4 Weeks of Aerobic Exercise Utilizing Nasal Breathing
Camila Guadiana, Marcela Guadiana, Kyle J. Hamlin, Yunsuk Koh, and Jose M. Moris
Investigating the Epigenetic Regulation of Innate Immune Memory
Emily Nguyen and Heather L. Caslin
Rapid Onset Pressor Response in Young Healthy Hispanic Adults
Ashlesha Dalve, Ruby A. Nyarko, Justo Perez, and Jasdeep Kaur
Weight Loss Increases Adipose Macrophage Cytokine Production and Adipose Bacterial Clearance
McArthur Bolden III, Xenia D. Davis, Edward R. Sherwood, Julia K. Bohannon, and Heather L. Caslin
Comparison of Overground, Motorized Treadmill and Non-motorized Treadmill Gait in Younger and Older Adults
Emily L. Chaires, Meghan McCarthy, Breanna Steele, and Scott P. McLean
Exercise Pressor Reflex and Acute Vascular Response to Isometric Exercise with or without Blood Flow Restriction
Lin-Sheng Chen, Kazumasa Manabe, Yanbing Zhou, Jide Adebiyi, Tianyu Wang, Takanobu Okamoto, and Hirofumi Tanaka
Intercranial Blood Flow is Determined by Diastolic Blood Pressure
Kyle J. Hamlin, Marcela Guadiana, Camila Guadiana, Yunsuk Koh, and Jose M. Moris
Examining the Relationship Between Competition Stress and Performance in Collegiate Rodeo Bronc Riders Through Salivary Cortisol and Heart Rate
Tyler K. Handley, Jennifer L. Zoller, Chelsie J. Huseman, Lisa Colvin, William Storer, and Amanda Baxter
Estimating Minute Ventilation and Inspiratory Flow to Trigger Exercise-Induced Laryngeal Obstruction (EILO) in Pediatric Patients
Rebecca Brovina, John M. Robertson, and Andreas Kreutzer
Influence of Back Foot Positioning on Tennis Serve Performance
Erika Synoski and Scott P. McLean
Impact of an Outdoor Physical Activity Intervention on Muscular Fitness in Adolescents
Khizra Khan, Joni A. Mettler, L. Kent Griffin, and Lindsay E. Kipp
8-Weeks of Moderate-Intensity Aerobic Exercise Fails to Improve VO2max in Young Adults Born Preterm
Paige M. Childress, Heather L. Vellers, Joaquin Gonzales, Danielle Levitt, Danielle Moran, Addie M. Anderton, and Abigail C. Ullmann
HSP70 Expression, Cognition, and Pain Following a Single Bout of Aerobic Exercise or Passive Heating in Older Adults
Cayla E. Clark, Kelsi R. Lambright, Nicole Varone, George A. King, and Brandon R. Rigby
Sleep Duration and Sleep Quality as Season-Long Predictors of Ratings of Perceived Exertion and Psychological Wellbeing in Female Soccer Athletes
Maria E. Camargo M.S. and Kelly M. Cheever PhD
Added Psychological Stress Significantly Increases Anxiety but Does Not Impact Stress Biomarkers in Response to Combined Mental and Physical Stress
Nathan M. Sutton, Stephanie Uriegas, Hunter Martaindale, and Matthew J. McAllister
Effects of Minimalist Shoe Walking on Plantar Intrinsic Foot Muscle Strength and Size in Normal Healthy Adults: Preliminary Findings
Andrea Saenz, Alfredo Gil, Alexis C. Gant, Chueh-Lung Hwang, and Mark D. Ricard
The Effect of an Upper Body Warm Up Versus Passive Swim on 100 Meter Freestyle Times
William P. Celis
Effect of Advanced Footwear Technology in Trail Running Shoes on Running Economy
Jordan Sanders and Dustin P. Joubert
The Effect of Caffeine on Velocity and Accuracy in Collegiate Baseball Pitchers
Patrick Montegrande, Trevor Cones, and Casi Helbig
Neural or Musculoskeletal: Which System Drives the Age-Related Decline in Walking Economy?
Brooke 'Measeles' Alanis, Negin Fallah, Ahan Mistry, and Owen N. Beck
Effects of Acute Lower Body Resistance Exercise on Body Composition Parameters Assessed by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
Jayden Widener, Elizabeth Hardy, Madison Merritt, Nicholas Murphy, James Scobercea, Jack Wright, Nikolas Keratsopoulos, Christine M. Florez, Kindyle L. Brennan, Grant M. Tinsley, Jaci Kelly, Mandy E. Parra, and Lemuel W. Taylor IV
Position-Specific Insights into Weekly Training Load Variability in Soccer Athletes
Tyler B. McCollum, Alexandra Brojanac, Erica Hollis, Jan-Joseph S. Rolloque, and Yasuki Sekiguchi
The Influence of Balance and Strength Training on Gait Symmetry in an Individual with Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy
Madison Deitch, Vanessa Mikan PhD, and Taylor Dean
Visceral Adipose Tissue – A Comparative Analysis of DXA and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
Emmanuel Franco, Maria Quezada, Yuliana Sanchez-Trinidad, Kassandra Reyes, Aylin Barrera, and Allison De La Vina
Acute vs. Chronic Response to Doxorubicin Treatment with Endurance Training in Non-Tumor-Bearing Rats
Quinten W. Pigg, Dillon Harris, Daniela Sayuri Inoue, Bertha F. Polegato, Carol R. Tonon, and Mariana Janini Gomes
AI-Driven Insights from the NFL Scouting Combine: Principal Component Analysis, K-Means Clustering, and Regression for Predicting Draft Position and Status
Benjamin P. Doyle, Sean Stanelle, Steven E. Riechman, and J Bryan Mann
The Role of the Exerkine Apelin in Age-related Sarcopenia
Dillon R. Harris, Quinten W. Pigg, Daniela S. Inoue, and Mariana Janini Gomes
Extraction and Organization of Densitometry Data from Imaging Reports Produced by the GE iDXA System Using Optical Character Recognition
Ana S. Rivera, Jordan Ankersen, and Bradley Lambert
Associations of Skeletal Muscle Index, Body Mass Index, and Body Fat in a Primarily Hispanic Population
Kassandra Reyes, Emmanuel Franco, Maria Quezada, Yuliana Sanchez-Trinidad, Aylin Barrera, Allison de la Vina, and Samuel R. Buchanan
Unveiling the Limitations of Continuous Glucose Monitoring: Insights from Fasting and OGTT with Advanced Clustering Analyses
Dwaipayan Saha Dr, Preyangsee Dutta Dr., Jehu Narh Apaflo, Joshua Labadah, Zahra Fatahimeiabadi, Ulices Villalobos, Irene John Tomy, and Sudip Bajpeyi Dr.
Anaerobic Training Protocols with Blood Flow Restriction and Red-Light Therapy: Effects on Arterial Health and Cardiovascular Metrics
Anneth N. Perales, Aldo Guzman, Raul Tapia, Rebekah Schlatter, Bryan Mixumi, Ulku Karabulut, and Murat Karabulut
An Adjustment to Estimating Body Fat Percentage with BodPod in a Hispanic Population
Maria Quezada, Yuliana Sanchez-Trinidad, Kassandra Reyes, Emmanuel Franco, Aylin Barrera, Allison de la Vina, and Samuel R. Buchanan
Axe Throwing Correlation Between the Elbow and Shoulder Velocity at Time of Release and Other Measures of Accuracy
Katherine M. McClellan, Amber M. Chelette, and Jeremy Stovall
Effects of Aquatic Therapy on Joint Mobility and Muscular Strength on an Adult Male with Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy
Cameron Crawford, Mary Power, and Vanessa Mikan
Exploring the Connection Between Gameplay and Physical Activity in Adult Video Game Players
Haylei Scoggins, Ryan R. Porter, and Robyn Braun-Trocchio
Glucose Peak Time During OGTT: A Marker for Metabolic Health and Insulin Resistance
Ulices Villalobos, Jehu Apaflo, Zahra Fatahimeiabadi, Joshua Labadah, Irene John Tomy, DWAIPAYAN SAHA, Preyangsee Dutta Dr., and Sudip Bajpeyi
Determinants of Exercise Intolerance in Patients with Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy
Nicole Varone, Denis J. Wakeham, Salman Bhai, and Christopher M. Hearon Jr
Glucose Curve Morphology and Peak Time as Metabolic Health Indicators
Zahra Fatahimeiabadi, Jehu Apaflo, and Sudip Bajpeyi
A Comparison of DXA, InBody, and BodPod for Assessing Body Fat Percentage
Aylin Barrera, Maria Quezada, Yuliana Sanchez-Trinidad, Kassandra Reyes, Emmanuel Franco, Allison de la Vina, and Samuel R. Buchanan
Eight Weeks of Concurrent Aerobic and Resistance Training Improves Cardiometabolic and Physical Health Parameters among Blacks in El Paso without a Change in Body Weight
Joshua Labadah, Jehu Apaflo, and Sudip Bajpeyi
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Improved Glycemic Control in Population with Hyperglycemia and Overweight/Obesity
Jehu N. Apaflo, Zahra Fatahimeiabadi, Irene John Tomy, Ulices Villalobos, Joshua Labadah, DWAIPAYAN SAHA, Preyangsee Dutta Dr., and Sudip Bajpeyi
Effects of a 12-Week Chair-Based Exercise Program on Functional Fitness and Cognitive Function in Older Females
Yi-Hung Liao, Ping-Chuan Lin, Yi-Yuan Lin, Shiow-Chwen Tsai, Hsiao-Kuan Wu, and Ting-Heng Chou
Anthropometric Measures Associated with Orthopedic Injuries in Professional Ballet Performers: New DEXA Screening Criteria?
Abigail Y. Li, Guomin Xu, Alysa Birncrich, Carina Nasrallah, Patrick McCulloch, and Bradley Lambert
Effects of Inter-set Inspiratory Muscle Activation on Post High-intensity Resistance Exercise Autonomic Regulation, Baroreflex Sensitivity, and Blood Pressure
Hsin-Fu Lin, Kuo-Sheng Chiu, Chang-Lun Shu, and Lian-Yu Lin
Effect of Weighted Backpack and Texting While Walking on Gait Parameters
Celina M. Cantu and John D. Smith
Interclass Reliability of Sit2Stand.ai
Kylie J. Barnard, Ceanna M. McCarty, Gary Guerra, and John D. Smith
Agreement of a Mobile 3D Body Scanning App for Anthropometrics
Gabriella D. Martinez, Faith Aldama, Lillianna Guajardo, and John D. Smith
Extended Rest Requirement after Shoulder Surgery: A Case Study
Melissa D. Long, Alexis Fosmer, and Nieko Thomas
Acute CrossFit® Exercise Enhances Cognitive Processing Speed and Stabilizes Response Variability in Trained Individuals
Chien-Ting Wu, Brianna Valadez, Amaryllis Rubalcaba, Julia Daniel, Gary Guerra, and Yu Lun Tai
Reliability of a Mobile 3D Body Scanning App for Body Composition
Lillianna Guajardo, Faith Aldama, Gabriella Martinez, and John D. Smith
Breaking the Injury Cycle: The Role of Comprehensive Integration in Injury Recurrence Among Female Collegiate Athletes
Jeffrey Rivera, Paul Mentele, Nathan Wells, Xavier Smith, Ernest Rimer, and Andreas Stamatis
Postural Balance Adaptations Following an 8-Week Classical Mat Pilates Program in Healthy Individuals
Ana Carolina Carolina Panhan, Anupama Thapa, Giovana Duarte Eltz, Marina Melo Villalba, Mauro Gonçalves, Adalgiso Coscrato Cardozo, Joosung Kim, and Maria Beatriz Duarte Gavião
Corrected Echo Intensity Is Not Related to Fatigability or Indices of Aerobic Fitness in Healthy Young Adults: A Pilot Study
Kase J. Pennartz, Michael R. Perlet, Marek Kerr, and Joshua L. Keller
Range of Motion & Strength in the Shoulder of Female Athletes
Claire Romo and Scott McLean
Pharmaceutical and Lifestyle Solutions for Male Infertility
Zacharias Papadakis, Justin M. Dubin, and Andreas Stamatis
Short-Distance and Rotational Deceleration as Key Determinants of High-School Basketball Agility: A Preliminary Clustering Analysis
Eric Hsu, Adan Petway, and Andreas Stamatis
Agreement of OpenCap with APDM Temporal Variables while Walking
Ceanna M. McCarty, Kylie Barnard, Gary Guerra, and John D. Smith
Heart Rate Variability After Different Orders of Upper- and Lower-Body Resistance Exercise in Men
Yu Lun Tai, Chien Ting Wu, and Ryan D. Russell
Accuracy of a Mobile 3D Body Scanning App for Body Composition
Faith N. Aldama, Lillianna Guajardo, Gabriella Martinez, and John D. Smith
Effect of Energy Drinks on Manual Dexterity and Reaction Time in Esports Athletes
Joshua G. Gonzalez and John D. Smith
Agreement between Two Systems for Measuring Vertical Jump Height
Bianca L. Flores and John D. Smith
Hypertrophic Aide by Limb Occlusion to Mitigate Muscle Atrophy in Spaceflight
Anaya Kashikar, Erin Rocha, Makiyah Brittmon, Martha Word, Clay Martin, Matthew Pearson, Josey Salazar, Hannah Schnettler, Karolyn Skoby, Hunter Alvis, Cayla Clark, Baraquiel Reyna, and Brandon R. Rigby
Analyzing Novice’s Free Throw Accuracy In Response to Different Feedback
Yadon Tramel and Tatiana Zhuravleva
The Effects of Cognitive Demands on Landing Stability during Single-Leg Landings
Jongil Lim, Jaelynn Barrera, and Jasmin Brown
Mental Toughness as a Catalyst for Social Team Cohesion: A Longitudinal Study in Female Collegiate Dancers
Alex J. Barber, Spencer A. Cavan, and Andreas Stamatis
The Effect of Stroller Pushing Technique on the Oxygen Cost of Uphill Running
Chase Bennett, Jordan Sanders, and Dustin P. Joubert
Circulating Lipid Mediators Modulate Skeletal Muscle Repair
Logan Moore, Kamal Awad, and Marco Brotto
A Comparative Analysis of Nutritional Knowledge among Division 1 College Athletes
Malachi Lecadre-Grey and Emily Castillo
Reliability of the Volumental 3D Foot Scanner Before and After Jogging
Carlos D. Tamayo and John D. Smith
Age-Related Changes in Memory Performance in Memory Athletes
Riya Pradhan, Shubham Yadav, and Hirofumi Tanaka Dr.
Case Presentation for Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE)
Isaac T. Edwards, Lucas M. Edwards, and Kent Willis
Health and Fitness Professionals’ Attitudes and Beliefs Regarding Individuals with Obesity
Shelby A. Schober, Robyn H. Whitehead, and Malcolm T. Whitehead
Patellofemoral Syndrome
Ava E. Dennis, Lindsay Spindler, and Chuck Ruot
Impact of Electrical Muscle Stimulation During Prolonged Sitting Combined with Mental Stress - A Pilot Study
Takanobu Okamoto, Lin-Sheng Chen, Daniela Charry, Kazumasa Manabe, Kelvin Phan, and Hirofumi Tanaka
Preliminary Evidence for the Effects of a Mental Toughness Intervention on Athlete Engagement: A Longitudinal Study in Collegiate Dancers
Spencer Cavan and Andreas Stamatis
Effect of Lower Body Compression Tights on Recovery from an acute bout of Exhaustive Exercise
Daniel Neff, Malcolm T. Whitehead, and Richard Drew
Isometric Belt Squat Knee Position Affects Mediolateral Kinetics
Arianna N. Eyre, Madison Treece, J Bryan Mann, and Jennifer M. Yentes
Potential Immune Health Benefits of Nasal Breathing Exercise on Inflammatory Cytokines in Plasma and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
Camilia L. Castillo, Jose M. Moris, and Yunsuk Koh
The Effect of a Pitch Watch on Accuracy in Collegiate Baseball
Kirk Revis, Johnny Garza, and Casi Helbig
Exercising Regularly Can Improve Static Balance for Adults 55 and Older
Angela N. Heaberlin and Amber M. Chelette
Racial Impacts of Cerebral Vascular Responsiveness to Sympathetic Nervous System Activation
James E. Brown, Ario S. Moradi, Hannah Nagib, John Kolade, and R. Matthew Brothers
Cerebral Vascular Response During a Hypercapnic Challenge with and without Simultaneous Activation of the Sympathetic Nervous System
Sajjad Moradi, James E. Brown, John Kolade, Hannah E. Nagib, and R Matthew Brothers
No Impact of Cardiorespiratory Fitness on The Stress Responses to Firefighting
Leah Kirkegaard, Kelly Hines, Ryan J. Sowinski, Steven E. Martin, Lisa C. Colvin, Matthew J. McAllister, and Drew E. Gonzalez
The Effect of Attentional Focus Cues on Vertical Jump Performance
Caylin Damron, Lily McWhorter, Raghav Sharma, and Tatiana Zhuravleva
Comparison of Lactate Response to Perceived Stress Between Sedentary Individuals & Advanced Endurance Athletes
Lily Thompson and Brett Crossland
Relationship Between Cerebral Pulsatility Index and Vasodilatory Responsiveness to a Hypercapnic Challenge
Hannah E. Nagib, John Kolade, James E. Brown, Sajjad S. Moradi, and R Matthew Brothers
The Effect of 6-Weeks of Yoga Training on Measures of Health & Performance in Sedentary Individuals
Jaykuvarba D. Kher, Brett W. Crossland, Dr. Frank B. Wyatt, and Khushbu M. Desai
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports (Female Triad)
Maryn S. Campbell, Lindsay Spindler, and Chuck Ruot
Effect of a Bungee Tension System on Physiological and Perceptual Variables while Jogging
Jaelynn Barrera, GARY Guerra, and John D. Smith
Force & Accuracy for an Ipsilateral vs Contralateral Stance in a Cornhole Throw
Reagan M. Strother, Jay X. Martinez, Heaton R. Huggins, Jutty D. Vaughn, and Amber M. Chelette
Hamstring Strain
Christopher Lapole, Lindsay Spindler, and Chuck Ruot
Tibial Stress Fracture
Garrett Tittle, Chuck Ruot, and Lindsay Spindler
Sexual Pleasure, Satisfaction, and Activities in Masters Track and Field Athletes
Natalie McLaurin, Lin-Sheng Chen, Tianyu Wang, Jonas Boecker, Jakub Adamczyk, Jacek Zielinski, Krzysztof Kusy, Joern Rittweger, and Hirofumi Tanaka
Acute Bout of Exercise May Preserve Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Viability Under Oxidative Stress
Emily A. Jones, Jose M. Moris, and Yunsuk Koh
Exploring the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Stress Levels Among International Graduate Students
Sabina Poudel and Brett W. Crossland
A Descriptive Correlational Study of Perfectionism, Self-Efficacy, and Anxiety in Amateur Bodybuilders: A Pilot Study
Christian O. Quintero, Samantha S. Dardaman, and Scott B. Martin
Acute Effects of an Investigational Pre-Workout Supplement on Neuromuscular and Exercise Performance in Resistance Trained Males: A Proof-of-Concept, Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Study
Christopher M. Lockwood, Neil Schwarz, Rocky Conejos, Emma K. Mueller, Hunter Schurrer, Brandi Harstedt, and Arlie Gooch
Acute Effects of an Investigational Pre-Workout Supplement on Mood and Safety in Resistance Trained Males: A Proof-of-Concept, Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Study
Rocky Conejos, Christopher M. Lockwood, Neil A. Schwarz, Emma K. Mueller, Hunter Schurrer, Brandi Harstedt, and Arlie Gooch
The Associations Between Pulmonary Function and Body Composition Parameters in Healthy, Non-Smoking Adults
Leroy K. Bolden, Tomas J. Chapman-Lopez, Olivia Russell, Mary C. Pickler, and Andrew R. Gallucci
Association of Urinary Incontinence and Landing Forces in Nulliparous Athletes
Nikolas Keratsopoulos, Jaci Kelly, Kindyle Brennan, Peggie Williamson, Laurel Proulx, and Mandy E. Parra
Paraspinal and Gastrocnemii Response to Shod and Barefoot Running with Rearfoot and Forefoot Landing
Shivaniba Gohil
The Comparison of Time to Peak Rapid Force Production in Division One Collegiate Male Football, Track, and Basketball Players
Anthony M. Rogers Jr, Matthew P. Gonzalez, Samuel Montalvo, and Sandor Dorgo
Thermoregulatory Differences Between Uniform Types in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Esther Coronado and Brett Crossland Dr
Assessment of Estimated Pulse Wave Velocity and Body Roundness Index among First Responders
Asma-Maria El-Tayssoun, Jillian Liebert, Steven E. Martin, and Drew E. Gonzalez
Relationship of Hip Range of Motion and Peak Braking Force in DIII Female Athletes
Katyanna Colburn, Nikolas Keratsopoulos, Jaci Kelly, Kindyle Brennan, Peggie Williamson, Laurel Proulx, and Mandy E. Parra
ROCK: The Mission Statement
Gabriella Guinn and Vanessa Mikan PhD
Differences in Perceived Readiness to train between two Menstrual Cycle Phases in Division II Female Athletes
Noah Reinertz and Brett Crossland Dr
Shoe Heel-Toe Drop Affects Running Economy
Kaleigh Renninger and Owen N. Beck
The Effect of a Short-Term Antibiotic Cycle on Blood Biomarkers in Adults with Overweight and Obesity
Anne George, Melissa Fernandez Alonso, Ashlyn Dooley, Matthew Loritz, Jessica Mrosla, Olivia Landis, Katelyn Harnen, Genevieve Aiwonegbe, Meggan Duncan, Angela Berry, Jaidyn Hooper, Sarah Mckinley-Barnard, Elisa Marroquine, and Ryan R. Porter
Changes in Phase Angle and Lean Body Mass During 6-Week Offseason Mesocycle in Collegiate Club Rugby Players
Alexis Rodriguez, Brandon Large, Tyler Large, Jmya Hughes, and Micheil Spillane
Validity of Jump Height Using an Athlete Monitoring Wearable
Drew J. Smith, Kuan Chen, James B. Mann, and Jennifer M. Yentes
The Effect of Footwear and Speed on Nonlinear Variability of Runners
Kaleb Luna, Becca Henicke, and Bryon C. Applequist
Evaluation of the Effect of Antibiotics on Glucose, Insulin, HOMA, and HbA1c in People With Low Versus People With High Visceral Fat
Ashlyn Dooley, Melissa Fernandez-Alonso, Angela Berry, Matthew Loritz, Anne George, Jessica Mrosla, Olivia Landis, Ryan R. Porter, Elisa Marroquin, and Sarah McKinley-Barnard
Examining the Relationship Between Sprinting, Drop Jump, and Vertical Jump Flight Times in Collegiate Track Athletes
Michelle Aldana
Mitochondrial Function in T-Cells: The Impact of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Fat in Men and Women
Nathan Fuentes, Emily LaVoy, Charlie Hodgman, Rebeka Hunt, Justin Crane, and Micheal Herskowitz
Treadmill Training Program for a Non-Ambulatory Individual with Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy
Krysta V. Rivero Romero, Vanessa Mikan PhD, and Edward Merritt
Using Detrended Fluctuation Analysis to Determine the Effects of Footwear on Postural Dynamics in Children
Samantha Martinez, Crystal S. Trevino, and Bryon C. Applequist
Barefoot Running Alters Spatiotemporal Nonlinear Variability Compared to Shod
Vincent Narvaez, Miranda Gonzalez, Katarina Behrens, Paige Coghill, and Bryon C. Applequist