Kentucky Teacher Education Journal (KTEJ) | Western Kentucky University


Editor-in-Chief: Wanda G. Chandler, Western Kentucky University
Associate Editors: Jamie Mahoney, Murray State University
Debbie Schumacher, Campbellsville University

Kentucky Teacher Education Journal

The purpose of the Kentucky Teacher Education Journal (KTEJ) is to provide a forum for the dissemination of original research, critical issues, information and ideas concerning teacher preparation to advance instruction for educators of exceptional and gifted children, for a positive impact on the education of students with and without disabilities. This journal has a focus of national, regional and state perspectives and research related to teacher education issues in special education and gifted education.

Current Issue: Volume 3, Issue 2 (2016) Special Issue: TED Conference 2016, Summary of Kentucky's Faculty and Faculty-Supported Student Research Presentations

Editor's Introduction

Kentucky Teacher Education Journal (KTEJ) Racing to Excellence Winter 2017 edition This special edition of KTEJ presents summaries of presentations by Kentucky researchers at two conferences held in November 2016. The first conference, the 30th Annual Conference of the Teacher Education Division (TED) of Council of Exceptional Children (CEC) was held in Lexington, KY. Presentations addressed various topics such as opportunities to respond for students with disabilities, action research for teachers of special education students, and behavior specialists. The second conference, Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children 2016 was held in Louisville, KY and presented proceedings are included for the Graduate Student Research Symposium coordinated by the KY-TED. In this issue proceedings for the KY-TED Graduate Student Research Symposium includes: Using Repeated Reading and Choral Reading to Address Fluency in High School with MSD Students. Literacy instruction is important for all students but especially important for MSD students to learn to read for self-determination and independent functioning skills. Promising practices includes articles about Increasing Student Engagement through Opportunities to Respond and Turning Teachers into Action Researchers in their Classrooms. Both these articles provide ideas to help teachers put practical ideas into real world applications within the real world settings of their own classrooms. Program descriptions revealed two areas of expertise for teachers to learn more about: BCBA and Core content for MSD students. These articles: The Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) What it is and How to get it will answer many of your inquiring questions related to this specialist certification. Preparing Teachers with Core Content Expertise to Support Students with MSD will help teachers prepare to teach MSD students with the Common Core Standards. Finally, a Review of the literature provides us a look into Puberty and Beyond: Sexuality Education for All Students. This topic is relevant for today’s society but is rarely discussed or explained in the special education classrooms of the intellectually disabled student. Welcome to this very special education of the Kentucky Teacher Education Journal filled with exciting new research related to our special education population. Jamie, Debbie, & Wanda

Research Article

Program Description


Preparing Teachers with Core Content Expertise to Support Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities
Robert C. Pennington PhD, Ginevra Courtade, and Best Newberry Gurney

Promising Practices


Turning Teachers into Action Researchers in their Classrooms
Dusty Columbia Embury and Laura S. Clarke


Increasing Student Engagement Through Opportunities to Respond
Todd Whitney, Justin T. Cooper, and Amy S. Lingo