"Re-elect Mrs. Mae Street Kidd: Democratic Candidate for State Represen" by Kentucky Library Research Collections

Political Campaigning in Kentucky



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Political card which reads: RE-ELECT MRS. MAE STREET KIDD Democratic Candidate for STATE REPRESENTATIVE 41st District [11 union symbol] Residence: 2308 W. Chestnut Cards Paid By Candidate [n.d.]

Note: Political Graveyard website lists her as ”of Louisville, Jefferson County, Ky. Democrat. Member of Kentucky state house of representatives 41st District; elected 1973, 1975. Female. Still living as of 1975.” The entry in BlackPast.org begins Businesswoman, politician, and civil rights activist, Mae Street Kidd, was born February 8, 1904 in Millersburg, Kentucky to a black mother and white father.” - See more at: http://www.blackpast.org/aah/kidd-mae-street-1909-1999#sthash.QNcvzoNa.dpuf See also the University of Kentucky’s Noteable African Americans database http://nkaa.uky.edu and Wade H. Hall, Passing for Black : the life and careers of Mae Street Kidd

5.8 x 9.7 cm. Blue ink on white cardstock.

Rather-Westerman Political Collection, Library Special Collections, WKU


African-American, Women, State Representatives, Kentucky, Democratic Party, Political Campaigns, Political elections, Campaign paraphernalia


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