
The main goal of this survey is to identify as many U.S. Stormwater Utilities (SWUs) as possible. Because many stormwater professionals do not have the time to respond to questionnaires, our primary method of identification was Internet searches. We searched key terms such as “stormwater utility,” “stormwater fee,” and “drainage fee.” We scoured online municipal codes such as Municode, AmLegal, Sterling, LexisNexis, General Code, and others. We searched through many city web websites to find utilities. We have also had many people contact me to update fees and identify new utilities. However, the data primarily comes from Internet sources and is prone to errors. Some community websites are not very clear on whether the fee given is monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, or annually. In cases like that, we made the best guess we could. We hope the readers of this document will continue to help us correct mistakes. However, it is difficult to keep up with fee changes in more than 2000 utilities, so if you discover errors in our data, please contact me at warren.campbell@wku.edu.


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