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Christian Ryan-Downing , WKU Sustainability Coordinator

Leslie A. North, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Geology, Hoffman Environmental Research Institute


Jonathan Oglesby, Creative Activities Director, Hoffman Environmental Research Institute

The project could not have been completed without content submissions by many individuals.

A sincere Thank You to:

Nancy Givens, Sustainability Program Development Coordinator, Center for Environmental Education and Sustainability

Dr. Robert Hatfield, Associate Dean, Gordon Ford College of Business

Michelle Howell, Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator, Local Food for Everyone

Sara Hutchison, Recycling and Surplus Coordinator, Department of Facilities Management

Clinton Lewis, University Photographer

Lynn Minton, Marketing and Business Operations Manager, Office of Research

Dr. Jane Olmsted, Department Head, Diversity and Community Studies

Helen Siewers, Landscape Architect, Planning, Design and Construction

Dr. Steve Spencer, Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sports

Dr. Jennifer Tougas, Director of Parking and Transportation Services

Emily Twardowski, Photojournalist, 2012.

Joshua Twardowski, Manager of Campus Services, Department of Facilities Management

Dr. Terry Wilson, Director, Center for Environmental Education

and Sustainability

This is the first edition of the WKU Sustainability eBook. The second edition is presently a work in progress and will include updates, additional content, and new special features. If you have a sustainability initiative or project to share for the next edition of the eBook, please contact Sustainability Coordinator Christian Ryan-Downing at


At WKU, “The Spirit Makes the Master”. Our commitment to continuous improvement is clearly reflected in our sustainability efforts. WKU’s commitment to sustainability, whether demonstrated in campus operations or in educational programs, helps to ensure that our graduates are prepared to address the complicated environmental, social and economic issues we face today. They will be able to think critically, solve problems creatively and be engaged citizens. If that’s all we accomplish then we will have achieved great success. But our sustainability commitment pays dividends, as it also leads us to reduce our environmental footprint, practice social responsibility, and conserve natural and economic resources. It encourages unprecedented cross-campus and community collaboration and partnerships. It supports our goal to be “A Leading American University with International Reach.” And, it brings renewed meaning to the other great Hilltopper motto: “Life More Life”!

This publication, created through partnership by the Office of Sustainability and the Hoffman Environmental Research Institute, offers a look into the impressive array of sustainability initiatives happening at WKU. While it is comprehensive, it is not exhaustive. There are still more sustainability successes to share and we will continue to realize accomplishments and make progress. Work has already begun on the next edition to update and add content. We hope you will enjoy exploring the eBook, and that the stories inside inspire and enlighten.


Agriculture | Biology | Forest Sciences | Geology | Natural Resources and Conservation | Plant Sciences | Water Resource Management
