Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Elmer Gray, James Skean, L.D. Brown

Degree Program

Department of Agriculture

Degree Type

Master of Science


Yield, crude protein, and crude fiber of 'Piper' sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor var. sudanese (L.) Moench), and 'Sweet Sioux' and 'FFR66 1 sorghum (Sorghum bicolor(L.) Moench) X sudangrass hybrids were studied during the growing season and after frost.

Three treatments were studied, namely--4-s (four summer harvests and short or about 0.6 m at the time of frost), 3-M (three summer harvests and medium or 1.5 in at the time of frost), 2-T (two summer harvests and tall or 2.0 in at the time of frost). Dry matter yield, crude protein, and crude fiber were calculated.

The three cultivars did not differ consistently for yield, crude protein, or crude fiber during the summer or fall. The 3-M treatment provided more dry matter (not significantly higher than the 2-T treatment), more total crude protein, and approximately the same amount of crude fiber as the 4-S and the 2-T treatment.

Results of this study indicate that sorghum cultivars can be grazed rotationally, or cut for hay or silage during early summer, and the late summer and early fall growth accumulated for in situ utilization by livestock during fall and early winter.


Agricultural Science | Agriculture | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Life Sciences | Plant Sciences
