Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Cathleen Webb, Stacy Wilson, Brian James

Degree Program

Department of Architectural and Manufacturing Sciences

Degree Type

Master of Science


Lean management and tools have many positive effects on a company including increased profitability, and efficiency. Lean tools can be implemented in any type of company with a proper evaluation through the creation of Value Stream Map. This paper will demonstrate how a Value Stream Map (VSM) will provide an easier transition to a lean environment. A local company of about 100 employees will be analyzed to create a current and a future VSM. The areas of opportunity for improvement in a lean environment includes recommended lean implementations and the future VSM. Functions of the company that will be analyzed regarding the implementation of VSM include: shipping, receiving, and operations. This project will demonstrate the gap between the current state VSM and the future VSM.


Business | Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations | Operations and Supply Chain Management
