Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Jason Polk, Jerald Brotzge, Jun Yan, James Shelley, Nick Lawhon

Degree Program

Department of Earth, Environmental, and Atmospheric Sciences

Degree Type

Master of Science


Advancing stormwater management methods and technology is critical as runoff from impermeable surfaces increases with urbanization and development. Stormwater runoff is highly susceptible to contamination from non-point source pollution and causing flood impacts following rain events, which varies spatially and temporally in an urban landscape. To counteract the impacts of contamination and drainage issues, Best Management Practices (BMPs) are implemented to reduce the effects of stormwater runoff; however, the unpredictable nature of storm events can make methods for effectively monitoring impacts difficult in trying to capture first flush inputs, flood threats, and sedimentation sources. This research utilizes a highresolution rainfall monitoring network using tipping-bucket rain gauges as a low maintenance method for stormwater monitoring that can be quickly installed, deployed, and transported to new locations when necessary.

Stormwater managers can implement scalable networks of precipitation monitoring at construction sites, industrial facilities, and hydrologic monitoring sites to improve the spatial and temporal accuracy of triggering rain events that require Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control (EPSC) inspections. An evaluation form designed in this research quantitatively assessed the effectiveness of BMPs and providex insight for improvement. Through the integration of smart sensing and geographic information systems, stormwater monitoring systems are accessible for entities differing in size, scale, and experience levels to address stormwater-related issues and provided data-driven solutions for improved stormwater policies.


Environmental Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Meteorology | Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Public Health
