TopSCHOLAR® - Faculty Senate: Report - Sub-Committee on Fall Break

Presenter Information

WKU University Senate


Bowling Green, KY

Start Date

8-11-1979 12:00 AM

End Date

8-11-1979 12:00 AM


Report of the sub-committee of the Institutional Goals & Planning Committee of the Faculty Senate to study the question: Is it desirable to incorporate a two-day "fall break" into the University calendar at or near the middle of the fall semester?


Nov 8th, 12:00 AM Nov 8th, 12:00 AM

Report - Sub-Committee on Fall Break

Bowling Green, KY

Report of the sub-committee of the Institutional Goals & Planning Committee of the Faculty Senate to study the question: Is it desirable to incorporate a two-day "fall break" into the University calendar at or near the middle of the fall semester?