Faculty Senate | WKU Governance | Western Kentucky University


Faculty Senate Timeline:

1973 SACS report suggested faculty advisory committee
1975 spring WKU AAUP survey - support for Faculty Senate 10 member ad hoc committee studied idea and drafted constitution 16 member Committee on Faculty Participation - questionnaire, drafted constitution
1976 revised constitution
1/31/1976 BOR voted to accept Faculty Senate as advisory board of WKU
4/24/1976 BOR approved report of Faculty Participation Committee, constitution and election procedures
10/22/1976 first Faculty Senate meeting, Philip Constans Jr. elected chair
1997 Faculty Governance Committee to study governance, Barbara Burch chair
1999 committee proposed to combine Faculty Senate with Academic Council as University Senate, draft charter
1/25/2000 faculty voted to approve change, BOR 1/28/2000 agreed
4/13/2000 Faculty Senate ended
8/31/2000 University Senate first meeting
2019 Renamed University Senate, Faculty Senate

Browse the contents of Faculty Senate:

Meetings, Memos, Etc.