Multimodal Reflections I - Emily Falica - Week 11

Streaming Media


I decided to create video journals for this project because written journaling has always been an important part of how I document my life. I fill multiple journals a year with every significant (and sometimes insignificant) moments of my life. It is how I create my own personal history for myself. So I felt the best way to document my history for this class during COVID-19 would be sharing an audio/visual version of my journal. This allows me to share how I have been handling the pandemic both physically and emotionally. Each journal shows different aspects of my life during the pandemic such as work, school, health, and creating a physical presence in an increasingly digital world. Another part of my project includes hand written journal entries and photographs reflecting on a week of how I try and balance changes in my work and with school. My goal was to try and take my oral histories down to a more personal, and unedited level of exactly how I felt and functioned during certain times. The goal was to share relatable moments with people feeling the same way, show a different side to people who do not share my narrative, and to create something to remember these unfortunate circumstances with.


