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This has got to have been one of the oddest semesters that any one has experienced in a long time. Between the pandemic, the rapid readjustments that we had to make, and world seeming like it's gone crazy, there has been a lot to take in. This body of work focused mainly on reactions and how my family in particular has kind of withdrawn into ourselves during this time of isolation. I started with a photographic essay that was focused on the first couple of weeks of the social distancing, and specifically on how we have faired and adjusted during the time. From there I moved to my family’s mad-dash down to Bowling Green, KY and back to get my essentials so I could finish out the semester. A self-interview and an interview with my mother follow that, finishing out with a final photographic essay.

My focus during this body of work has been on how my family adjusted, and how we dealt with what we lost because of it. There have been times that are easier than others and some times that have definitely been harder. These times have forced me to grow in ways that I did nt expect. Zoom meetings have become the norm and despite how much I dislike them, I have had no choice but to adapt.

However, the world has been forced to take a breath with this crisis. It has given people a chance to slow down and be deliberate. Whether or not that happens remains to be seen, but this has been my perspective of the pandemic.


