Document Type
Meeting 1956-1980
Bowling Green, KY
Start Date
18-5-1960 9:00 AM
End Date
18-5-1960 2:00 PM
Minutes of WKU Board of Regents quarterly meeting. Agenda items: resolution in honor of Kelly Thompson, Ogden College lease, Snell Hall renovation, purchase of property on Russellville Road, personnel changes, undergraduate and graduate programs, Economics, Engineering-Physics, Spanish, History, Political Science and Psychology curricula, fees, bonds, North and South Halls.
Included in
Quarterly Meeting
Bowling Green, KY
Minutes of WKU Board of Regents quarterly meeting. Agenda items: resolution in honor of Kelly Thompson, Ogden College lease, Snell Hall renovation, purchase of property on Russellville Road, personnel changes, undergraduate and graduate programs, Economics, Engineering-Physics, Spanish, History, Political Science and Psychology curricula, fees, bonds, North and South Halls.