Presenter Information

WKU Board of Regents

Document Type

Meeting 1956-1980

Start Date

25-5-1963 10:30 AM

End Date

25-5-1963 12:30 PM


Minutes of quaterly WKU Board of Regents meeting. Agenda: resolution in honor of Etta Runner, merger of WKU and Bowling Green College of Commerce, personnel changes, president's home, construction loan, deeds and faculty rank and promotions.


May 25th, 10:30 AM May 25th, 12:30 PM

Quarterly Meeting

Minutes of quaterly WKU Board of Regents meeting. Agenda: resolution in honor of Etta Runner, merger of WKU and Bowling Green College of Commerce, personnel changes, president's home, construction loan, deeds and faculty rank and promotions.