Presenter Information

WKU Board of Regents

Document Type

Meeting 1956-1980


Bowling Green, KY

Start Date

6-8-1970 10:00 AM

End Date

6-8-1970 12:30 PM


Minutes of WKU Board of Regents meeting. Agenda items: bonds, naming John Minton dean of Graduate College, Harry Largen Vice President of Business Affairs and Bradford Mutchler director of University-School Relations, increased student participation in Academic Council, reorganization of engineering technology, personnel and salaries and creation of Big Rivers Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Scholarship.


Aug 6th, 10:00 AM Aug 6th, 12:30 PM


Bowling Green, KY

Minutes of WKU Board of Regents meeting. Agenda items: bonds, naming John Minton dean of Graduate College, Harry Largen Vice President of Business Affairs and Bradford Mutchler director of University-School Relations, increased student participation in Academic Council, reorganization of engineering technology, personnel and salaries and creation of Big Rivers Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Scholarship.