Presenter Information

WKU Board of Regents

Document Type

Meeting 1956-1980


Bowling Green, KY

Start Date

21-7-1973 2:30 PM

End Date

21-7-1973 4:00 PM


Minutes of WKU Board of Regents meeting. Agenda items: computer science major, grade point average, graduate studies consortium with Campbellsville College, personnel and salaries, tuition freeze, Student Affairs budget, room and board, Hill Topics student handbook, 501C tax exempt status, grants and contracts and agreement with the Bureau of Vocational Education.


Jul 21st, 2:30 PM Jul 21st, 4:00 PM


Bowling Green, KY

Minutes of WKU Board of Regents meeting. Agenda items: computer science major, grade point average, graduate studies consortium with Campbellsville College, personnel and salaries, tuition freeze, Student Affairs budget, room and board, Hill Topics student handbook, 501C tax exempt status, grants and contracts and agreement with the Bureau of Vocational Education.