Document Type
Meeting 1981-2005
Bowling Green, KY
Start Date
22-8-1981 1:00 PM
End Date
22-8-1981 3:00 PM
Minutes of the WKU Board of Regents meeting regarding Allied Health, women's basketball, operating budget, capital improvements, housing needs, ermergency medical technology, writing minor, agricultural equipment technology, health and safety, geophysics, summer session, tuition waviers for selected Indiana and Tennessee county residents, named professorships, scholarships, naming of buildings, personnel changes and salaries, volleyball, grants, task force on admissions and Department of Defense contracts.
Bowling Green, KY
Minutes of the WKU Board of Regents meeting regarding Allied Health, women's basketball, operating budget, capital improvements, housing needs, ermergency medical technology, writing minor, agricultural equipment technology, health and safety, geophysics, summer session, tuition waviers for selected Indiana and Tennessee county residents, named professorships, scholarships, naming of buildings, personnel changes and salaries, volleyball, grants, task force on admissions and Department of Defense contracts.