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Letter from John W. Wilson informing the father of Private James Minter that his son died in the 2nd Battle of Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, 1864.
Bristol, Va July 2d 64
Mr. Minter
I address you this evening to inform you that your son James Minter who joined us at Decatur Ga was killed in the second battle at Mt. Sterling and to express my admiration of his caracter and sincere sorrow and sympathy. He fell while pressing forward in a charge his body fell in the hands of the enemy & though he came to us a stranger he easly gained the love of all his company and all of those that knew him. He was kind and generous The generosity of his heart was always greater than his ability to meet its demands he was pious He never profaned the name of his maker of endulged in [letter torn] that always go along with the army I trust he is now resting in the arms of redeeming love I have know news to write
Yours with respect
John W. Wilson
Co. B. Second Kentucky batalion
Gen. Morgans Command
U.S. Civil War 1861-1865, Correspondence