![The Civil War in Primary Resources: An Exhibition by the Special Collections Library](../../assets/md5images/72a04fb422a8d90d43c1c5e13bb9fc40.jpg)
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Confederate Army recruiting handbill announcing their arrival in Kentucky, ca. 1864.
The Army of the Confederate States, has again entered your Territory under my command.
Let no one make you believe we come as invaders, to coerce your will, or to exercise control over your soil – far from it. The principle we maintain is, that Government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.
I shall enforce the strictest discipline in order that the property of citizens and non-combatants may be protected.
I shall be compelled to procure subsistence for my troops among you, and this shall be paid for.
KENTUCKIANS! – We come not as invaders, but as liberators! We come invoking the spirit of your resolutions of 1798.
We come to arouse you from the lethargy which enshrouds your forethought and which forebodes the political death of your State.
We come to test the truth of what we believe to be a foul aspersion – that Kentuckians willingly join in the attempt to subjugate us, and to deprive us of our property, our liberty and our dearest rights.
We come to strike off the chains, which are being riveted upon you.
We call upon you to unite your arms and join with us in hurling back from our fair and sunny plains, the northern hordes, who would deprive us of our liberty, that they may enjoy our substances.
ARE we deceived? – Can you treat us as enemies? – Our hearts answer – No.
Kibry Smith, Maj. Gen. C.S. Army
U.S. Civil War 1861-1865