The Civil War in Primary Resources: An Exhibition by the Special Collections Library


Frank Leslie


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Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper was founded in 1855 and was published through 1922 averaging sixteen pages per weekly issue. The Civil War made Leslie's a success.

New York, 1/18/1862

The campaign in Kentucky – the national troops under General Johnston advancing on the Louisville & Nashville Turnpike, overtaken by the equipage and baggage trains on the Louisville & Nashville Railroad – from a sketch by our special artist with General Buell’s command.

The campaign on the Potomac – unsuccessful attempt of the rebels to destroy Dam No. 5, on the upper Potomac, near Williamsport, Maryland, December 1861 – from a sketch by Capt. Henry Bacon of the 18th Massachusetts Volunteers.

Details from left to right point out Sharpshooters in the mill; rebel artillery; sharpshooters; union troops in canal locks; rebel artillery and lock-keeper’s house.


U.S. Civil War 1861-1865


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