The Civil War in Primary Resources: An Exhibition by the Special Collections Library


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Grand Army of the Republic

Department of Ky. Headquarters J.T. Kinnaird Post No. 55 to any Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, Greeting:

This Certifies that Comrade W.E. Hobson is a member in good standing of this Post, and having paid all dues, we have granted him this Honorable Discharge.

The following is a correct transcript from the records of the Post:

Comrade W.E. Hobson is 50 years of age, was born in Kentucky, State of Ky. and is by occupation a Farmer entered the service on the ___ day of ___ 1862 as a Major Co.___ Regt. 13th Ky. Inft. And was finally discharged on the ___ day of ___ 1864 as Col. Co. ____ Regt. 13th Ky. Inft. By reason of Expiration terms of Service, having served three years ___ months. Joined this Post by Nov. 16th, 1894.

Dated at Bowling Green, Ky. this 23rd day of January 1899.

J.J. Barnes, Adjutant, (--?--) Scherer Post Commander

Offices held by the Comrade in the G.A.R. none


Bowling Green, Kentucky, U.S. Civil War 1861-1865, Grand Army of the Republic


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